A pep talk for your purpose

You know that feeling when the kid sitting next to you had a different answer on their page?

Or when that coach you’ve been following for months starts posting her launch numbers…

I am willing to bet most of us reading this have - at one time or another - felt self conscious about our own creations, contributions and actually changed course as a result of seeing what someone else is doing.

It's a natural human instinct - a survival skill - a *literal* innate form of intelligence.


This enduring truth: 

There is room for each and every one of us at the table of our calling. 
Pay exquisite attention to what's yours and allow yourself to be inspired by others embracing what's theirs.
Don't confuse your purpose with another's purposeful path. 
Radical ownership and honoring your own journey will change your life. 

I’m a steadfast believer in the adage, “what’s meant for you won’t miss you.”

Your path is unlike anyone else’s.

The more deeply you can integrate this part - the more liberated you will be. 

Play with these prompts:

  • What am I meant to create in alignment with my calling right now?

  • How is what I see out in the world an affirmation of my purpose?

  • What would happen if I made my own innate knowing the rudder for my life?

You are freeer than you've known yourself to be. 

Happy Creating!




Sacred Sunday: power restored. roots revealed. wands up🪄


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