Picture this…
It’s 30,60, 90 days from now & you are head over heels in love with your business.
And you are:
…creating offers that sync up with your ideal clients’ deep need
…launching with new levels of confidence
…nailing your messaging like never before
…speaking life over yourself & believing every single word
…steadily expanding your income + your capacity for receiving
You are living an ELEVATED version of your life in every facet of your existence.

And the best part is…
You have the time + space for what matters most to you.
Your relationships have never felt more enriched.
You work has never felt more rewarding
Your goals + dreams are coming to fruition faster than you could have ever imagined.
Welcome to the ELEVATE Mentorship + Mastermind Experience
A private mentorship & mastermind experience to help you meet yourself, dial in your business (offerings, sales process, messaging, brand positioning and more) & liberate you from the struggle bus That, chances are, you’ve been on for way longer than you’d like to admit.
Let’s dream together…
We’re all-in on this powerful mentorship work and you are reveling in the clarity and breakthroughs that have come with pulling back the curtain on your business, bold spirit & beautiful brain 🧠
You are…
Crafting your Golden Offers (cha-ching) 💛
Simplifying sales + dramatically improving your results 💸
Freeing yourself from the stories that have held you back for way too long
Stepping fully into your leadership & creative gifts
Creating content with EASE & joy
And perhaps most exciting?
You feel…
Rooted (Redwood-style) in your TRUTH, your gifts & your creative fire. 🌳
The way you show up on behalf of your biz is electric
And the peace you feel when you’re navigating the waves of being here & human is other-worldly (we’re talking yogi on a mountaintop status)
You are tapped into your power like never before and everybody felt it.
Your dream clients are lining up, dropping in your DMs and referring you to their friends.
All of the worry and overthinking that stopped you in your tracks?
➡️ GONE.
And on the days you can feel it creeping back in, you’ve got the tools to handle it in record time.
➡️ You feel undeniably embodied, excited and LIT UP for what’s to come…
It can be your reality…Because “Too good to be true doesn’t exist in my vocabulary”
Especially when the work is about unlocking the treasure trove that already exists within you.
It would be my honor to help it no longer exist in yours…
ELEVATE is the business coaching mentorship that so many have deeply craved, but could not find.
“My business has nearly doubled in gross revenue and of equal importance, I feel more supported, at ease, confident, authentic, and brave.
My whole way of BEING has upleveled. I’ve realized that many of the things I worried about before working with Amber aren’t even in my consciousness anymore. It’s actually hard to put these changes into words. The way I show up as a mom, a wife, a CEO, a friend…has all changed for the better. I am now able to embody and express my true self in a way I couldn’t before. Others would say I’m confident, calm, and self assured. I just feel happier!
It’s time to ELEVATE your vision, your strategies and your offers to a whole new level.

With a beautiful blend of deep dive 1:1 mentorship, intimate support & connection in our mindshare space, gorgeous in-person uplevel day experiences - ELEVATE touches every facet of expansion that is required for quantum growth.
This mentorship program is the launching pad for your wildest dreams and a support incubator for your deepest imagingings.
Here’s what’s included:
(Included because we understand the value of co-creation, collaboration and connection. The mastermind elements are not a requirement for your participation in 1:1 mentorship, however no discount will be offered should you choose not to utilize them).
Here’s what our members have to say about their ELEVATE experience…
“Every single time my life and business have expanded beyond anything I could have possibly imagined.
“I have had the honor of working with Amber through multiple program offerings over the years.
Amber's coaching style is energetics and activation, spiritual and strategic - it's everything you need for true and lasting transformation. I am forever grateful to Amber for helping me finally *receive* in ways I had only dreamed of, till now.”
-Lauryn Lasczack
“Within this program is where I found support to firmly and fearlessly stand up for what I believe in.
Shortly after starting my work with Amber, I signed with Folio Literary Agency in New York. A few months later, I stood on a TEDx stage and spoke about Forgiveness. That same month, I was on a team of ten women and filmed a documentary in the Grand Canyon, WALK THROUGH THIS - A Story of Starting Over, sharing my personal trauma healing in nature.
I then signed with Harper Horizon to publish my book, Walk Through This - Harness the Healing Power of Nature and Travel the Road to Forgiveness.
I now have sisterhood in life + business…it’s pure magic … + something I don’t know if I can ever live without!”
- Sara Schulting-Kranz
“Committing to working with Amber was/is a major catalyst for the change that has happened not only in my business, but in every aspect of my life.
When she says that she will bring you home to yourself, she means it. It's her God-given gift. I know that I was the one to do the work, but having a soul that truly cares and welcomes all of you- even the parts that you don't like- ignited a passion and empowerment in me that I've never really experienced before. The growth that I've had between November 2020 to now is amazing.
I know myself better and appreciate myself in such a way that I was never able to see before working with Amber. My incredible business growth is a bi-product of this life-changing experience. Commit to doing the work, give yourself the space and grace to feel and express, and let your light out. You won't regret it.”
I know what it feels like when it seems there are so many things standing in between you and the dream life you can’t stop thinking about.
When we take courageous action in the direction of our dreams while simultaneously doing the deep inner work to change how we think about ourselves and our businesses - things begin to transform.
Inner work + consistent activation are a package deal when it comes to creating sustainable and significant changes in our businesses.
Learning how to build the muscle of resiliency while driving road-tested strategies to help you get your gift out in to the world in a bigger way is what I’m here to show you.
The legendary women that are magnetized to this container are here for more…
More joy
More abundance
More magic
More support
More peace
More impact
More space to delve into the real dimensions that come with building a business, while raising a family and transmuting the generational patterns to expand into new possibilities.
There are infinite options for your business growth journey…
What makes ELEVATE so unique is the unparalleled way we create community and make way for kindred connections that often lead to life-long friendships, business collaborations and beyond.
Weave in straight fire 1:1 mentorship with private monthly calls & Voxer support, intimate in-person retreats and consider the game changed.
The ELEVATE Mentorship Investment
(6-month enrollment period with option to Continue)
$2,500 x 6 monthly payments or $14,000 Pay in full ($1,000 savings)
It’s time for your next level…
Our work together will focus on helping you elevate your results and learn how to time bend in order to create more momentum in your life and business.
Fulfillment is not optional…it’s our central objective…
It’s time to achieve the life-changing results you’ve been visualizing for so long.
Sound like the kind of support you’ve been dreaming into?
I cannot wait to walk with you on the path to your next level of expansion.
Click the link below to apply now & schedule a chat to explore if ELEVATE is a fit for you in this season of your life & business.