The surprising block that's slowing your biz growth (and how to clear it)

For most of my life asking for help is something I've really struggled with.

If something was too heavy to carry, I got stronger.

If I couldn't nail the landing, I practiced for days.

If I couldn't find an answer, I searched and worked harder than hard to get it.

I would even hire coaches and enroll in programs and not use ALL of the support available to me because of this pattern. 

Can you relate?

Back in the day, asking for help meant admitting defeat in some small way and there was just no room for that in the world I lived in.

And for good reason, for so many of us, asking for help has been a sign of weakness.

If we look at our careers, our studies and our sports, when we received corrections, it was typically because we'd done something wrong.

Our egos suffered a small death anytime we had to admit that we messed up.

The pain of it was too much to bear.

So the pattern perpetuates onward in our marriages, our parenting, our homes, our businesses, friendships and beyond.

And then we sign-up to work with a coach or enroll in a program.

The pattern holds.

We send in the "representative" version of ourselves. 

We fear being viewed as anything but competent to save face and make the impression we believe we need to make in order to be accepted and safe. 

We keep the real us hidden from view and we suffer in silence, even when the help has arrived.

And instead of acknowledging and exploring this tricky pattern, we hesitate and disallow ourselves the chance to receive the help we asked and paid for.

Sometimes we even begin to develop feelings of resentment or frustration because we're not achieving the results we want. 

But if we're honest, this ancient pattern of proving and putting on appearances has paralyzed us into performing.

And before we know it, we're frozen in a world of our own creation and we feel like a fraud in capital F.


Raise your hand if you've ever found yourself here.

Many of us will live lifetimes this way, wondering why we've never made anything of ourselves.

It's time to call ourselves up and out.

Asking for help is a sign of intelligence, not weakness

Learning how to open ourselves to receive support generously and willingly is a sign of resourcefulness.

Because giving and receiving is a two-way street, anyway you slice it.

For coaches, teachers and guides, this applies to us in spades.

And knowing this pattern exists for your clients is a gift you can hold and help them to navigate. 

Trust is a 2-way street, after all.

Here are some questions for you to walk with:

  • Where are you withholding support from yourself?

  • Where is pride keeping you from being truly seen + known?

  • What happens when you upgrade your belief system on receiving at-large?

  • If you're a mentor, coach or guide, are you taking your own advice?

Remember, "Vulnerability is not winning or losing, it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome." - Brené Brown

Is your business falling flat these days?

Are you lacking connection with your community?

Dive into today's conversation with your journal and take a look at the ways allowing yourself to be and feel supported more deeply might be the game-changer you've been waiting for.

When we choose to be courageous in sharing ourselves and our stories, we all win.

We're exceptional at giving, let's make receiving one of our superpowers too.

Sending you Big, Big Love,


PS - Are you needing more support in growing your business, nailing your message or clearing the blocks that have been holding you back from your next level? We've got you... Schedule a Breakthrough call now and listen and get you pointed in the right direction with the support you and your brand need most. You CAN receive this, after all.

Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

This simple practice changed my life


5 Big Q's for you to walk with