This simple practice changed my life

I'm going to be honest, the start to 2021 has been weird. 

But my saving grace in the midst of the interesting challenges I've been gifted have been my daily abundance practices. 

What if I told you that you are more unlimited than you realize? 

What if the key to creating a Rich Life was already in our hands?

As I was diving in this morning, I spent some time reflecting on the day that Ben and I kayaked up to a little house on the pond and knew in our bones that this cottage would one day be our home.

We thought about it everyday in between and we focused on “remembering our future" before we knew that this was even a teaching.

Fast forward 9 years from that moment and we were doubling its size with a custom addition we paid cash for. 

We rehearsed the experience + creation in our minds with technicolor detail until it became our reality. 

We learned that focusing on the future we wanted to welcome in, there was no room for doubting its existence.

We primed ourselves with the feeling in anticipation of what was coming.

We talked about what it would be like + celebrated it before we were there physically.

We dared to get EXCITED about something we had no guarantees on and we lived as if it were certain with unwavering belief.

The same goes for so many other milestones along the way like retiring Ben from his 11-year police career, launching my business from scratch and growing it to multiple seven-figures in just a few years while working part-time and being with our babe at home. 

Writing and publishing 3 books in a matter of 6 months, joining masterminds, flying mom down to Disney after hosting one of our own retreats in a house that looked like a castle, purchasing my dream car and spending our time devoted to what matters most of all are just a sprinkling of the ways we've applied the Money Mind Method to the way we live.

The truth is, the life you desire is always one feeling away.

Yet we spend so much time rehashing a past that’s not longer here, and in doing so, we train ourselves to stay in a state suffering that is no longer relevant.

What experiences are you dreaming into in your life right now?

Use the POWER of your present to practice living it into reality right now.

In order to live a magical life, we must be willing to do what’s uncommon. I recorded a short IGTV on this you can check out right here.

Ending the cycle of self-induced suffering is shockingly uncommon.

The past is a prison that keeps us from living into the fortune of our future.

Are you ready to break free?


Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

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