why I ditched my Oura ring (and what it has to do with money)

This is the first installment of my Prosperity & Power Email Series I will be sending over the next 2 weeks...

A few weeks ago, my friend called me out hard on a habit I never realized was a thing for me.

We were talking about our personal money practices—the things we do when paying bills, making investments, and making decisions about where our money flows.

We were deep in it, laughing about our weird habits and the origin stories that shaped them…

Like that time my mom lost her credit card in her gigantic purse at the grocery store checkout, and it subconsciously wired me to carry a wallet the size of a credit card and a purse smaller than most people’s wallets—so I NEVER lose my credit card.

Or the time my dad took us to get the newspaper on a Sunday morning and when we asked if we could each get a piece of candy, when he reached for his wallet, he acted like he was in actual physical pain...it made me never wanted to ask again.

The signals were sent and received and the money stress was always on high.

These stories reflected the decision I made early on to manage money rather than trust it.

To track it.
To control it.
To account for every, single dollar.

But it turns out management and expansion are not the same thing.

Recently, I ditched my Oura ring because it started having an opposite effect for me.

What was once a helpful tool became a measuring stick that kept me locked into old ways of thinking.
I already knew my body’s rhythms.
I already knew I was getting enough movement.

Yet I still checked. I still tracked. I still let the numbers define what I already understood.

And that’s what I see so many entrepreneurs doing with money.

Holding it so tightly that it stops moving.
Measuring it so rigidly that they forget to feel it.
Tracking it so obsessively that they miss what actually creates more of it.
Forgetting to enjoy the fruits of their efforts.

Money isn’t just about numbers.

It’s about impact. It’s about momentum.

It’s an actual extension of trust.

And if we want to expand, we have to stop treating money like a problem to solve and start letting it be what it’s meant to be: a conduit for possibility.

A tool, in and of itself, to help us expand our capacity for receiving. 

I am so excited to share that I have created a new program to teach this and more. 

It's called PROSPER and it's a 5-week immersion to help you Activate your personal Abundance Algorithm & use the magic of the Gene Keys system to clarify and strengthen your business model in accordance with your unique energetic imprint/design, expand your capacity for receiving and improve your offers in a very specific and specialized way.

I will be taking you through the Pearl Sequence which is focused on Prosperity and blending it with my business growth strategies to help you maximize the model.

It will be intimate, highly educational and perspective shifting when it comes to your most potent strategies, methodologies and marketing practices. 

It will revolutionize the way you think and move in your business and beyond.

Because making money isn’t the goal—experiencing the freedom of true prosperity is.

Check out PROSPER here

We start on 4/1.

I can't wait to welcome this cohort and dig in together.




nature doesn't hoard. (prosperity & power transmission II)


Cash flow feeling ...this one is for you