nature doesn't hoard. (prosperity & power transmission II)
Nature doesn't hoard.
It lets go, shares abundantly, and nourishes the web of life.
Reciprocity is a natural way of being. It makes way for life itself.
When we understand that accumulation is a burden—that wealth, while highly sought after, has a weightiness to it—we turn the leaf to reveal a better alternative.
By definition, to prosper is to flourish physically; to grow strong and healthy. From the mid-14th century, to prosper is to "be successful, thrive, advance in any good thing," from prosperus—"favorable, fortunate, prosperous."
When I think about how nature operates—and remember, we are nature too—there is a cyclical flow, an interplay of parts that nourish one another.
You will never see a lemon tree holding on to its fruit.
Yet, as humans, we hoard, we accumulate, we believe that the person with the most "lemons" wins.
We build our entire lives around worshipping this concept of more, more, more—until we can no longer hold what we have.
But prosperity, in and of itself, is a personal experience.
To prosper as an entrepreneur comes down to one thing: fulfillment—and the fruits it bears.
To love what you are doing.
To be in service to life at your highest capacity.
To create and build from your knowing, your curiosity, and your ingenuity.
It doesn't get much better than this!
To allow money to flow into your experience rather than control your entire existence...
To operate your business from a place of harmony and joy—where your offers serve as the answer to the questions your soulmate clients are asking...
To feel a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment at the challenges you meet in your work on a regular basis...
Now we're talking.
I have come to understand that friction and frustration in our businesses is always and only a reflection of a misalignment that is ready for a recalibration.
A lack of results is a redirection.
There is so much here to work with when we reconnect to the essence of our calling...when we treat life and business as an art an answer to our deepest ache.
Today's message was channeled and received in response to the perpetual pattern of suffering so many of us walk with in life - specifically when it comes to money.
I have come to understand that money is a tool that presents itself in service to our soul journey and the evolution we are perpetually experiencing.
We want money, at the root, so we can experience more of ourselves and life itself.
Our businesses are the mechanism and modality for us to do this in an even deeper way.
Can you feel the shift? The excitement of stepping into a whole new way of being?
When we decenter money and, instead, become a conduit for money to show up in service to our collective and personal growth—we transform our relationship with money entirely.
This is true liberation work.
And this is what we're doing inside the 5-week magic carpet ride that is PROSPER: Activating Your Abundance Algorithm™.
We start on 4/1.