This exercise could change the next 6 months of your life...

It's officially summer and New Hampshire has not disappointed with back to back 90 degree days here on the pond.

As a self-titled "popsicle person" (one who is perpetually cold 🥶), I have been reveling in the heat and enjoying every bit of these heavenly temperatures.

Anni has developed a newfound love for boogie boarding and has been asking to go to the beach, literally, every day of the week.

When she asked this morning, a Saturday here on the NH Seacoast - I hesitated and thought about the traffic and the mayhem that would be the beach, especially since our little stretch of 12 miles that is now being hamstrung by a parking shortage the state has enforced to diminish the impact of COVID-19.

But she persisted and I opted out of listening to my intuition and, instead, started loading up the boogie boards and beach gear. 

As we got closer to the ocean, all of the traffic lanes were lit up in red and I realized we had made a horrible mistake.

1.4 miles of travel equated to 30 minutes...which, is just not a thing here. Traffic in NH is typically a rarity, but not today.

Ben was getting quieter and more "assertive" in his driving maneuvers and I could feel myself starting to boil inside.

I was angry.

Angry, not because of the traffic or the situation at hand.

Angry - at myself...for not listening to my own inner guidance system and spending half of a 90-degree day (one of which we get <10 in a year!) in the car driving around looking for parking.

We were pulling out every single trick in our beach playbook out, but nothing was working.

Ben suggested we head home, but I paused and felt into the moment.

We were all decked out in our suits + sunscreen. 

I knew the solution was there, I just had to become an energetic match to IT, rather than matching myself with the problem.

We stopped to get gas and get recalibrated.

I forced my family to share what they were grateful for.

Through gritted teeth and rolled eyes, they shared their gratitudes and I shared mine and we came up with a new game plan.

We headed north to another beach that would require our parking spot manifesting skills on a whole new level.

We talked about getting ice cream cones and dreaming into the specific spot we wanted to find on the sand.

We shifted our ENERGY...and practiced gratitude in advance of the actual experience.

As always, it worked like a charm.

Less than 30 minutes later, the tide had moved out and we found a parking space just steps away from our own private spot right next to the tide pools and...the ice cream stand up on the rocks.

We spent 4 hours on the sand and left feeling wiped out and wonderful.

This little escapade was a blatant reminder + exercise in the importance of holding the vision, practicing gratitude in advance and remembering that trusting the unfolding is the work.

I got to ride the spectrum of my own emotions in the course of an hour and work with Anni in the depths of her disappointment to reframe and reconnect with an even better experience than the one we had previously imagined.

So here's the deal...

We're (a little more than) half way through the year and the recalibration of humanity called 2020 that has been an invitation to look at all of the things we, most likely, didn't have on our vision boards as we walked into the New Year back in January.

I am guessing that there is a lot that hasn't gone exactly as planned in your world.

I am also guessing that there are many things to come that are feeling uncertain and confusing, too.

So on this new moon/solar eclipse weekend, I want to invite us all to sit down with a pen and paper to craft an updated version of our Big Visions. 

Because just like our mindsets and our businesses, our Big Visions, also, have the capacity for evolution.

Your dreams are the guidepost leading you toward your soul's purpose, after all.

I believe that we are, collectively, being called to a higher vision for this year and the remainder of our lifetime than we previously imagined.

What is your Big Vision?

Grab your journal and recommit yourself to what's calling you forth.

Your business is the portal to help you get there.

Your dreams are not a them and follow the beat of your own heart.

Need help connecting the dots on your Big Vision and your game plan?

We've got you, {{firstname}}.

Click here to schedule your Breakthrough Session now.



Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

Want to be the change? Try this.


This is not a moment.