These words will set you free

I've been thinking a lot lately about what slows us down and stops us from really living.

This weekend we hit a monumental goal in one of our businesses.

Our team reached the top 2% of earners in the social networking company I've partnered with for the last 3 years and we, collectively, earned some amazing bonuses (like a new fancy car, an all-expense paid trip and more) and watched countless lives be impacted, as a result. 

It's one of those pinch me moments I've been dreaming in to for way longer than the 3 years I've been working at it.

It all feels incredibly timed, yet there is part of me that knows that it could have happened sooner if I had been able to fully realize one key thing:

There is no right way to get where we want to go.

And while we might say these words out loud we still find ourselves, more often than not, feeling as if we are in a state of rebellion when we decide to do things our way.

We live as if there is a right way to do life.

We walk the well trodden path and look to our left and our right to earn the approval of others we think will get us where we want to go. 

We wear the right clothes and say the right things and wonder why it feels like we're turning ourselves in to someone or something we're not.

We say yes to our big dreams and then follow someone else's instructions in our process of coming home to ourselves.

We throw money at it, we join programs and sign-up to work with mentors and all the while, we try to do it their way, completely discrediting the beat of our own heart.

We never stop to ask ourselves...

What if there was no Universal "Right" Way to measure our progress from?

What if our obsession with doing it right was the primary reason for our suffering?

Because "right" is relative and arbitrary. 

In my old corporate career, the way I do business today - mostly in yoga pants and on a schedule that suits my motherhood and my soul, I would be laughed out of the building. 

It's just not how things are done there. 

When I do speaking events for ANY audience, including corporate ones, it is a multi-sensory experience; therefore, I ask business people in suits to get up and dance to music. I invite them to go inward by closing their eyes and putting their hands over their sacred hearts. I take them on a journey home to who they really are and they are changed as a result.

And while there is no part of me that wants to do this any differently, I know this also limits the audiences I can present to.

My work in the world isn't for everyone and my compulsion to make it palatable for those who don't jive with it only causes me to suffer.

The more I choose to lean in to doing my podcast, my businesses, my live events, my coaching programs in my own way, the more powerful it all becomes and the more ME I get to be. 

My invitation to you, sweet friend, is to examine what you've been trying to get right and trade it up for making it 100% yours. 

The world needs you whole. 

Your students and clients need your unfiltered, unbridled vision. 

Your soul needs you to expand in to the fullness of who you were put here to be.

This is your sole curriculum and opportunity to evolve (<----your most sacred work here). 

What a gift and joy to fully embrace! 

And what a BREAK it feels like to stop doing the toe touches and back bends required to please everyone else. Whew!

Now it's your turn:

  • What have you been trying to "get right" that is making you feel trapped?

  • Close your eyes, breathe deep down in to your belly and ask yourself, what would happen if I let the beat of my heart guide me in this situation?

  • How could your life completely transform if you began to embrace only what is right for you?

Consider everything....your career, the way your home supports you (or not), your relationships, your morning devotional practice, the way you eat and earn and exercise and sleep and stretch yourself to reach for your biggest dreams.

  • What changes when we let go of what's right, instead, for what's real?

Grab your journal and have some fun.

I'm excited, are you? 

With love, light and limitless expansion...


Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

My heart is cracking open + here's what I'm doing about it ❤️


How to BE YOU in an over-saturated social space