These are the days...
Change has never felt more constant than in this last year of our living.
Do you feel that way too?
I am perceiving quantum leaps and shifts at a pace that feels far more rapid than ever before and, naturally, I am sensing that this is what aging is about.
This way of reflecting instantly transports me back to the Target line when the grandmother behind us lovingly watched me tend to my growing toddler and reminded us of how fast it all goes by.
She was right.
I haven't been able to shake this nostalgic haze much these days.
The value of time and presence has never felt more important.
We're hosting summer VIP Days with clients here on the pond. It's an opportunity to come together in-person(!!) and create intentional space to get clear and focused on what matters most in life and business.
Last week's Partner VIP session was game-changing for our two clients opening them to new possibilities in their work and living. We covered everything from the recalibration of a lifetime with new pathways for income (to include releasing a corporate career for revenue streams that 4x that salary!) and new partnerships and collaborations that bring whole new levels of abundance and joy.
The way I work with my community and share my gifts is evolving yet again...
It's not about bigger, it's about deeper: The coaching, the connections and the capacity for transformation, included.
I want to know what you're dreaming into and I am committed to helping you create it in record time.
If you are seeking deeper support and soul-centered strategy to navigate the tricky nature of mindset blocks and the challenges that come with juggling your dreams and your current reality - I invite you to schedule a Breakthrough session.
We are booking into late summer/fall VIP Days here on the pond and getting ready to roll out our new Mastermind Experience in late summer that will look different than anything we've ever done before.
What are the next 6 months and beyond are going to look and feel like for you?
What are you dedicating these sacred days to?
You deserve to enjoy the heck out of it.
As a celebration of Father's Day and the change of seasons, I wrote this poem for my book Paddle Home and thought it was the perfect share for a day such as this one.
These are the Days
I love waking up early in the dark hours before the world is with me.
There’s a different kind of quiet here, and with it, a sense of clarity and space to see what the noise of the day often blurs.
I light a candle and grab a blanket and find my way back to me.
With soft eyes and a gentler heart, I wonder why it’s so much easier to surrender here?
As I watch the candle flicker, I think of all the people I love – far and wide.
I wonder if they’re awake and thinking thoughts no one will ever know about.
I wonder if they’re writing love letters or sipping from their favorite mugs, too.
I center myself in the moment and remember that these are the days.
The years tick by here and our bodies slowly wane.
We grow and grow until we become smaller in stature and more expansive in spirit.
My father’s body is slowly changing.
He can’t hear quite the same and sometimes I watch him sit quietly as the chaos of family and grand babes swirl around and I wonder where he is.
On a ski slope or a patch of open water in his mind?
Maybe he’s back in Vietnam...
These moments remind me that now is the time...
To say what we need to say, to write the words, to show up and tend to our sweet hearts, to love without holding back.
What matters is what matters.
These are the days.
Happy Father's Day, loves.
Happy remembrance day of those who are no longer here to share in it with you.
Happy healing day from my heart to yours.
Wishing you peace today and for what's ahead.
PS - Here is this week's Sacred Sunday Song: Sailing by Christopher Cross (My dad's favorite)