Getting back to basics...

One of my most favorite things about life right now is the way the simplest things feel like the biggest deal.

We got to reunite with family and friends at our nephew's birthday party this weekend and I can honestly say there has never been a more exciting 4-year-old birthday party after the year we've all been through. 

And when it comes to business, whether you've been doing it for decades or are just getting started, the simplest things are still the big things, too.

I have been rolling my sleeves up and spending a lot of time mapping individual brand strategies and crafting launch plans for my VIP day and Mastermind clients over the last few weeks. 

It has been fascinating to cut through the weeds of confusion with my clients and help them drill down into their own core competencies and the road-tested strategies that have been around longer than you and me. 

As we look to the remainder of a true transition year for humanity as a whole, the main thing staying the main thing is the sure fire way to WIN - in business and in life.

I wanted to share a few tips to help you keep things SIMPLE in your planning for the back half of 2021 in today's Sacred Sunday message.

Here are a 5 ways to simplify your business growth strategies:

1. Clarify your product promise

What does your offering do? How does it make your customer or client's life BETTER? Make this the centerpiece of your communication. Clarify your product promise and make sure you're sharing this in your messaging and marketing.

2. Talk to your ideal customer

When was the last time you asked your ideal customer what they need? Don't be afraid to ask open-ended questions and listen for what it is they are really saying about their challenges. Throw together a survey to better understand your community and their preferences. We just did this and were thrilled to hear about all of the things we've been doing that are really working AND discover the places where we can be doing things differently to support you even more fully going forward. Thank you to each of you who took the time to complete it for us!!

3. Test your messaging/product positioning

The only way to get a reading on where your customer is in their journey is to offer them invitations to work with you. This is the place where a business owner gets their wings. Every, single thing that happens - desired or not - is feedback. Your results, or lack thereof, is information for you to utilize and respond to. Test. Test. Test. Test. To be in business is to understand that everything is a test and means nothing about your worth...You're priceless, my friend. Have fun with growing in this way!

4. Refuse to accept failure

If everything that happens is feedback, you cannot possibly fail. When I started my business 7 years ago, I consciously chose to take failure OFF the table. Have we had some cricket-style launches? Absolutely. Have we had some incredible knock-it-out-of-the-park wins? Absolutely. Have I allowed those wins or losses to derail me from my big vision for my life and business? No way. Take failure off the table. Let everything be a lesson and watch how your life begins to expand. 

5. Put in your reps

Your business, like your body, will require you to show up for it day in and day out. Sharing your brand message and reaching an audience of real live people who want to buy from you, learn from you and engage with you means you cannot just show up one day a week and expect to have the smashing success story of your dreams. Building a trust-worthy brand that creates a meaningful and lasting experience for its customers - no matter what the product or offering - takes time. Keep going. 

Chances are you chose to create your brand/business because you wanted to grow personally in more ways than one. 

What a gift that in owning your own business, whether that's in a part-time or full-time capacity, you have no choice but to grow. 

I could not be a bigger proponent of entrepreneurship!! 

Our daughter was helping us pick-up pine cones today and I asked her to write up an invoice to bill us as an independent contractor rather than an employee.

This lead to an in-depth conversation about entrepreneurship, sole proprietorship, business, calculating quarters into dollars and translating her new pine cone pick-up biz into a revenue generating machine. 

It's a privilege to get to create new streams of income for our families, no matter how big or small; generate solution-based ways of serving and live a lifestyle that feels aligned with how we want to contribute while we're here. 

I hope these tips were helpful as we look ahead to the back half of 2021 and beyond!

If you're looking for 1:1 support in your business, we are currently booking in-person VIP Days (you + me + your biz strategy) for the fall!  

If you're interested, please fill out the Breakthrough form and we will schedule a time to chat about your brand + biz challenges and your big vision + goals. 

These are quickly becoming one of my most favorite offerings. 

We're also offering Partner VIP Sessions, which would include up to 4 ppl - you and biz besties in an intensive strategy support experience: beautiful views, inspiring company, incredible food and an energizing environment to help you grow into your next chapter. 

Whether you want to 5x your current income model, breakthrough your biggest mindset block, set up systems with your team, map your offerings/pricing and/or define your brand strategy - this is what these days are all about...YOU. 

We can't wait to connect with you.

Here's to you and your continued expansion.


Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

Your answer to this question will change things...


These are the days...