The Secret to my Success Revealed

When I launched my business, I had no idea what the crystal ball would hold for me or how quickly my life would go from feeling like it was stuck on fast-forward and spinning out of control to suddenly freedom filled + life-giving.

This decision made way for me to leave my corporate career, raise our daughter from home full-time (a life-long dream of mine) and connect with women all over the globe all while reaching new levels of abundance to support my family and growing team.

If you have been dreaming of this too, I hope my story gives you wings and the courage to make your own leap, wherever you are right now on your journey.

I want you to know that you don't have to go this path alone and that the exponential success and expansion you've been secretly (or, perhaps, not-so-secretly) hoping for is here for the taking. 

With my former self and so many of the amazing clients I've had the gift of serving in my heart, I created the most comprehensive and fully supported business training program possible.

It's the roadmap and rock solid support system I so needed at the tender time of launching and growing my fledgling business.

After spending months of downloading freebie after freebie and watching hours worth of webinars and trainings, I "brailled" my way through launching a coaching business that has now served hundreds of clients all over the world.

In less than 3 years, I've spoken on big stages graced by some of my most favorite personal development mentors (Mel Robbins & Jack Canfield to name a few!), went on a writing retreat to Kauai, attended 3 live events with Tony Robbins (+ one more to come later this year! #bucketlist), launched my dream podcast and will host large-scale, live event here on the New England seacoast on May 21st of this year.

I have received invitations to be on countless interviews and I've hit over 15K followers on Instagram while rocking multiple 5-figure launches and serving a roster of incredible private coaching clients, many of which have become dear friends and soul sisters. My life and relationships have never been more true, buoyant or joy-filled. I've never felt more alive! 

So you might be wondering how I made all of this happen in such a short period of time.

And the truth is, I had to start by cracking open the way I had been living my life by.

I had to zero in on a few key ingredients that have been the keys to my success and refine them in to a way of operating in my life and business. 

And I've got some good news...

I want to share ALL OF IT with you...

The process, the behind the scenes tips & tricks, the mindset shifts and strategies I've used to create a multiple six-figure business. 

I want to show you how to create your own wild success story and I've built the sacred container to help you grow your business, while receiving the support you need to ask the tough questions and make the necessary decisions to help you take that next big step.

What would it feel like to be able to:

  • Ask for help on how to price your products, speaking engagements and services?

  • Launch your new website with the confidence that you've got all of the right things on the page to welcome in the clients you're ready to support?

  • Have a mentor and mastermind community at the ready to help you determine exactly which next steps to take as you are mapping out your marketing plan and business strategy?

  • Ask your techie questions and have them answered in real time? 

  • Have a one-stop-shop for referrals and recommendations you can trust for growing your business?

The Soul Fueled CEO™ Academy contains all of this + the business coaching + the nuts and bolts strategy that not only helped me achieve massive results, but has done so while making way for me to live my life in the most fulfilling way possible.

But don't just take my word for it...

"Through Amber's coaching and safe and supportive space that she created in the Academy group, I was able to get honest & vulnerable about the little nagging voice that knew my old business wasn't quite right – that I always felt like I was swimming upstream. And through that, I finally made the big pivot in my business that I had been been debating for a very long time! And I've had no regrets or looked back with doubt, at all! My current business is aligned with my skills and passions -- And Q4 of last year, doubled my income over the same time in 2015!" 

- Chantelle Davis-Gray, Graphic & Web Designer & Academy Student

Since taking the course, I have realized that I wanted to be home with my daughter, I found my talents, and I created my business. I launched my business in January 2016, and I have never been happier. I. Am. Doing. It. I am living my dream and it's all because of Amber and her priceless gift." 

-Liza Witonis, Personal Finance Coach & Academy Student

The doors are wide open and we are ready to welcome you in...

The cart is open until Friday, April 14. 

Click here to join us now!

PS - I'm also hosting a free workshop to share the nuts and bolts behind creating a successful online business. If you are struggling to gain traction in your business (hint: paying clients and successful launches) while aligning with the success you can feel is waiting for you, my Online Business Toolbox: Everything You Need to Succeed [Free Workshop] is just for you. Join me live on Tuesday, April 11 at 2 pm ET/11 am PT 


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