5 Tips to Balance Your Business + Your Sanity

As a busy mamapreneur, I know all about overwhelm and feeling like I’m losing my marbles (on a pretty regular basis, actually).

So in the spirit of pouring all of my love in to my tribe, I put together a list of the 5 top tips that help me stay focused on my big goals while also living a totally fulfilling life, (which is the real reason I chose this entrepreneur life, after all!)

1. Create a rock solid road map

You can’t get where you’re going without a plan, whether that’s in mapping out what you’re feeding the family for dinner or how you're’ going to launch your latest program. Ask yourself, "Where can I weave in more structure to get where I want to go? How can I streamline the processes that make me feel like I am swimming upstream?" Here are few of my favorite keep-it-together-tips: 

  • Block scheduling your whole life (family & business) 

  • Meal planning for the week ahead 

  • Setting specific days for clients, for content creation, for family time, etc. in your calendar

  • Sticking to THE plan! (And, constantly improving it).

2. Find tools that do the heavy lifting for you

I could not survive without Google Calendar! When I discovered the value of using tools that not only integrate with one another but support the growth of my business, I felt like I hit the jackpot. Take a moment to jot down the tasks that suck the life out of you and get curious about what tools (technology or otherwise) that you can integrate into your business for more ease. Post your questions over in The Why Warrior Tribe so we can recommend resources for you to check out. 

3. Learn from those who are rocking what you want to do

When I saw him live last week, Tony Robins said: “Success leaves clues”. (Hence why I was in his audience - lol! ). Study those who have gone before you and master what they are good at that could benefit you. Proximity is power. Enroll in the course. Hire the coach. Go to the seminar. Give yourself the gift of the transformational experience to take things to the next level.

4. Stop trying to go it alone

I didn’t understand the saying: “It takes a village” until I became a mother and then I became an entrepreneur and then I REALLY got it.

The ability to grow and stretch ourselves improves exponentially in the company of other people is a learned and necessary skill. Find your tribe. Invest there. Make connections with that tribe a top priority. You never know what kind of support you're really going to need down the path and knowing that others have your back is the most comforting feeling you could ask for in life and in business.

5. Simplify.

The reason we create soul fueled brands and businesses is so that we can come home to who we really are. Our missions allow us to focus on what matters most and release our attachments to the “shoulds” and a way of being that feels inauthentic. Remember why you chose this path and release all that feels misaligned or disconnected from your truth.

From 1-1 business mentorship, to a thriving community, to in depth trainings like “How to become a productivity powerhouse” and “How to eliminate email overwhelm” and more, The Soul Fueled CEO™ Academy has got you covered.

The doors are open.  

Click here for more info and to join now


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