the moment that changed my entire money reality…(prosperity & power, part III)
Back in 2017, we were living in our dream home here on the lake, but there was one major problem...
It was 1,100 sq ft. and only had 2 bedrooms.
We desperately wanted to grow our family and, quite literally, did not have room.
At the time, my business was grossing around $250,000 and we didn't have much in savings.
I knew it was time to get the ball rolling and figure out our options.
Nestled in my 22 sq ft closet office - I got on the phone with our mortgage person.
We talked options and he was sorry to break the news, but there was no way we were going to be able to get a bank loan for our project.
Worse? We didn't have enough equity in our 2-year-old mortgage to advance any cash for the build.
I was gutted...
I cried hot tears at my desk feeling a fire of frustration rise within me...
I sat in the quiet for a while then turned to Ben and said, "I guess we'll just have to do it ourselves."
This moment locked me in, except I had a mountain of money mindset drama I needed to face.
My wealth thermostat was stuck at a number just over our comfort zone and there was no room for margin.
I knew that in order to create the kind of financial resource required to build our dream, I was going to have to go much deeper.
So, I read every, single book I could get my hands on, cover to cover - the psychology behind money energetics, wealth creation, manifestation and frequency were my focus.
I knew enough to understand that this wasn’t just about mechanics—it was an inner game.
I studied and learned so much, I ended up writing my own book about it all!
Fast forward to the spring of 2018, we met with our contractor for the first time and he shared a quote that felt wild, but doable...
We had $60,000 in savings and said yes to the project with another $100,000 to create.
I was sweating - a lot...
But I was also in momentum and I had cracked the code.
My business was a vehicle for massive wealth creation and collective expansion.
The challenge had brought me to life and I was serving at an incredible capacity.
Money was a bi-product.
By the time our project wrapped in February 2019, we had added 1,100 sq. ft. and customized every detail…
Total cost? $315,000—$155K more than our original plan.
And we paid every single penny in cash.
I may have had 100 mini heart attacks along the way… but we did it.
I share this with you because it’s proof of what happens when you fully commit to transforming your mindset and becoming the version of yourself required to bring your dreams to life.
In early 2017, as I wrestled with the how, I asked myself a question that would change my life forever:
"What’s the ONE thing holding me back from creating my dream life?"
For me, the answer was clear: money.
I’m curious—what is it for you?
It was never really about money.
It was about my beliefs.
It was about what I thought was possible.
It was about my dreams daring me to take the leap.
It was about calling my shot and proving to myself that I could follow through.
If you’re stuck in a Groundhog Day cycle with money, constantly stressed and wondering why it’s not working—it’s not your spending habits.
It’s your patterns. Your conditioning.
That’s why I created PROSPER.
PROSPER is a deep-dive, shake-things-up, inner-evolution experience designed to completely transform your relationship with money.
For 5 weeks (the entire month of April), we’ll give your system a radical reboot.
If your wealth thermostat is stuck…
If you’re struggling to call in clients week after week…
If you’re tired of the panic and stress around money…
This might be for you.
We start on 4/1 with 7 days of Prosperity Practices, then kick off our first training on 4/4 (replays included, of course!).
Each week, you’ll get activations to help you rewire your Abundance Algorithm™.
We’ll also dive into Gene Keys—specifically the Pearl Sequence, which reveals how your business and prosperity codes uniquely interplay.
This is deep, alchemical, soul-shifting work customized to you.
By the end of these 5 weeks, you will not be the same person.
I cannot wait to get started.
Click here to join PROSPER now.