The magical t-shirt and manifestation story that will bring you to tears…

I spent some time sorting baby clothes this weekend as our little man is growing at warp speed.

We're in the next size up now and as I was digging through the bin of clothing we so graciously received from family and friends, I came across a t-shirt I purchased for our boy before we had any idea he would be coming into our world.

If you are new here and haven't heard our full adoption story, you can listen to the podcast Ben and I recorded right here (PS - Grab tissues, it's an emotional one!)

I wanted to share this story today in hopes of inspiring you on your dream manifestation journey.

It can be so easy to feel defeated when all we can see is the absence of what we desire.

But what I've learned over and over again and spend every, single day reminding my clients of is that we have to believe it before we will ever see it.

We have to become the energetic OF our dreams before the physical manifestation makes its way to us.

I'm excited show you one of the most miraculous examples of my lifetime as proof positive of this.

Ok, Storytime:

Back in early March, we traveled to the gulf coast in Florida for our ELEVATE Retreat.

Our mentorship clients flew in from far and wide and we had a magical experience in the most glorious location imaginable.

After the retreat wrapped, Ben, Anni & I stayed in Florida to enjoy a vacation and some recharge time.

On one of our adventure days, we traveled down the coast to a town called Seaside (It's where the Truman Show was filmed).

Now before I go any further, I want to share that prior to leaving on our trip, Ben and I had made the decision to believe more deeply than ever - with every cell of our being - in the dream of our future baby.

We had been on the adoption journey for a little less than a year and were starting to feel defeated with the lack of responses we'd been experiencing.

We decided, right then and there, that we would no longer doubt our dream and made a pact to believe in our baby even without ANY proof of their existence.

Back to Seaside...

Ben ordered lunch for us at a little beachside stand and waited for our order.

Something struck me and I decided to head to the baby story with Anni to "look" at some things.

I'll be honest, there was a part of me that felt silly walking in those doors knowing what I was about to do.

I reassured myself in thinking I could always give whatever we bought to my nephew or save it for a friend...

We walked in the door passing tiny floral dresses and gingham rompers as the woman at the checkout greeted us in her sweet southern accent.

Everything was gorgeous and I was immediately overwhelmed.

Baby stores had been a huge trigger for the last few years as we navigated our fertility journey.

But here I was...practicing what I preach, believing before I could see.

We wandered to the back of the room to a wall of tiny Seaside t-shirts in every color of the rainbow.

They were folded in neat piles according to size and I knew this was exactly what we were going to purchase.

We chose a 2T teal blue t-shirt and I felt the exhilaration of this expression move through my body.

We walked back to meet Ben sitting at a picnic table waiting with milkshakes and veggie burgers.

I showed him the t-shirt and he loved it.

Moving with our dreams, way before the proof of their physical existence, is a common practice for us.

But this one felt different and we knew it.

Fast forward to arriving home to New Hampshire 3 days later and visiting my mom and dad.

We bought my mom a Seaside sweatshirt and as I pulled it out of the bag to hand it to her, the t-shirt fell out on the floor.

I had totally forgotten about it and quickly grabbed it from the floor motioning to Ben to hide it in his coat.

I wasn't ready to share our act of fearless faith just yet.

This feels important to emphasize here.

This practice is about you and you...not about telling the whole world.

Telling the whole world, oftentimes, invokes more resistance and conflict than good.

I knew this and I also knew how important it was to protect this sweet dream of ours from anything that might create doubt or a need to explain ourselves - even though I KNOW my parents would have been incredibly supportive.

But the truth is - our dreams are about us and our growth, first.

Our dreams don't make sense to anyone but US at the beginning.

Over to you:

>> What does it look like to take a leap of faith on behalf of your most sacred dream?

>> What does it feel like to move as if your dream is inevitable?

I knew that the t-shirt was a small but BIG thing.

Fast forward to present day:

As I was sorting through Alex's baby clothes bin yesterday and came across the t-shirt for the first time since he got here, I felt my heart swell with gratitude, grace and intense clarity.

Your dreams are not a mistake…

They're an invitation.

What if your dreams are dreaming of you as we speak?

Also...the day I bought the t-shirt was 4 days before we got the phone call that our son was born and ready for us to come and meet him.

I hope this story touches your heart today and inspires you to believe even bigger.




You’re not confusing…(Pep talk inside)


We ARE the new norm