You’re not confusing…(Pep talk inside)

I've got strong opinions about a handful of things in life, like my complete disdain for the comic sans font, the indisputable magic of a chocolate croissant and how much better late spring is than the whole of winter.

Sorry sweet snowbirds...

But there's one more and it's a common frustration I hear weekly in my work with incredible entrepreneurs and visionary small business owners and I've gotta name it...

To my beloved multi-passionate, soul-centered biz owner pals...

You. Are. Not. Confusing.

But, chances are - you're confused.

And here's why:

In the process of building your dream (or dreaming into) business, you've been sold on the idea of the niche, the elevator pitch, the solve-all-my-problems-funnel, the soul-less sales script and/or the buzz-word webinar model.

Most of it's so slick, you don't even know it's coming at you...

And if you're here, I am willing to bet - you've thrown your hands up wondering why you can't quite seem to fit yourself into the box the experts say you must.

But what's different about you, my love is that you are....

  • A creative who weaves your work into your art.

  • An intuitively-guided healer who understands & celebrates the uniqueness of every client you meet.

  • A service provider who is deeply passionate about creating magic for your customers.

  • A coach/mentor who serves from a multi-dimensional model.

Your frameworks and models are, in fact, NOT a one-size-fits-all design.

And this, in and of itself, can be difficult to market with the outdated marketing philosophies we've been taught and sold on that originated in the 1950s + 60s. 

But you're not a bottle of soda pop, Love.

And your work as a coach and/or service provider is meant to expand to meet the needs of your dream clients. 

Your programs and containers are meant to scale in relationship to your gift, not some static ideal of a laptop lifestyle or bro-marketing machine veiled in pink.

You are not confusing.

You are an ever-evolving soul who is deeply committed to adding value from a place of true authenticity.

And when we choose the multi-dimensional model of marketing, we have access to a wellspring of so much more.

Here's what I mean:

In the multi-dimensional marketing model, you get to...

1. Tap into the potency of the dreams & desires your clients possess rather than their aching pain points (which inevitably triggers lack/scarcity).

2. Make sales in the same energetic wave of your service delivery - there's no need to get weird when you share your prices because your clients are asking for all of the deets on how to take the next step.

3. Uphold your client's sovereignty while honoring your own from a place of total integrity and co-creative harmony.

4. Design new offerings and programs with ease, on the fly and at will - while releasing anything that reflects what no longer serves you.

5. Trust the depth & firepower of your core competencies - no gimmicks needed or necessary.

6. Build your business from the foundation of your own core values without the comparison/imposter syndrome two-step.

7. Create content in whatever way feels good, right & real to you whenever you want.

8. Feel safe being all of who you are in every channel you choose to show up in.

There is a great unlearning afoot and it starts with you & me standing in the clarity of our own being and way of serving. 

It's time to inhabit ALL of you - to bring forth your quirks, your curiosities, your magic & your wisdom. 

The world needs artists.

The world needs creatives.

The world needs mentors and coaches like us.

The world needs those of us who are willing to show up and share what we've learned along the way while detaching and detoxing from the manipulative model of fear-based/separation tactics we've been sold.

If you know what I'm talking about - please hear me when I say this...

There is nothing wrong with you.

I scoff at the idea of an elevator pitch.

I love getting to be who I am in the moment, which is ever-changing and dynamic. 

I'm a branding/business professional with 20 years of experience in studying brands and learning about the marketing psychology.

I'm a poet.

I'm a coach.

I'm a mentor to incredible souls who have given me the gift of getting to support them and their dreams. 

I'm a mama, wife, nature lover, cat lady, writer, singer, speaker, old school sneaker-lovin', Joanna Gaines-wannabe (my version of course)...

I've felt like a rebel in places and spaces that weren't meant for me and after showing up there, I learned how to reunite with the truth of who I really am. 

I'm a deeply sensitive enneagram 9, generator (with sacral authority) who can literally "feel" what other people are feeling in real time.

I'm a nerd who loves to study the origin of words and trends and humans and their stories. 

I'm every shade of the rainbow.

And there's nothing confusing here except the idea that I have to somehow contort myself into a model that isn't mine.

From the beginning of time, my business has always been about meeting my clients where they are in a format that I love most (1:1 sessions, high-touch group coaching spaces, in-person events).

Marketing for me has looked like mega-consistency, trusting the divine timing of my own life and that of my clients' & creating content that feels deeply meaningful to me. 

If you've ever felt confused, confusing or any mix of this, I hope today's message brings you back to you.

I will be teaching on all things multi-dimensional marketing in our IGNITE Mastermind space next Tuesday, 6/21. 

Enrollment is open and this program covers all the biz bases from the place of what I'm sharing here today - click here to check it out and join us.

To your continued evolution & expansion.



PS - Not sure if IGNITE is a fit for you and your biz? Want to check-out our other offerings - head here and schedule a Breakthrough Call so we can customize a solution for you and your biz vision. 


This is urgent


The magical t-shirt and manifestation story that will bring you to tears…