The difference between divine & perfect timing
Let's talk about difference between Divine Timing & “Perfect” Timing.
Most of us have moved through life with an idea of time that has worked in the favor of the traditional timelines we’ve been programmed to follow.
You know what I'm talking about:
Going to college after high school
Getting married
Buying a house
Having 2.2 kids and
Working that steady job until you retire and bask in the golden sunset of your lifetime.
Talk about an outdated model...
I know that if you’re reading this, you've already made the choice to transcend those traditional timelines eons ago.
Your inner world moves at a different speed than most of the people you meet.
You're used to getting all of the strange looks of disbelief for the ways you manifest in your world.
And you dream differently (and a whole lot bigger) than most of the people you love.
The undeniable truth is...Your life is a reflection of your willingness to risk what was for what could be.
Only there’s one little wrinkle…
You still hesitate in places where pressing onward feels like a risk you’re afraid to take.
Your capacity for receiving what divine timing is delivering isn't always as open-armed as you'd like it to be.
Your propensity to crave "perfect" timing stops you from trusting what's next and questioning yourself on repeat.
Sound familiar…
I feel you.
But I've also come to learn that "Perfect timing" is a myth.
In the divine design, there are no limits on time.
And the real real is this...
You could become a millionaire tomorrow if it lined up with your belief system.
You could receive your next million dollar idea that takes you in a whole new direction if you registered it as a possibility.
You could retire your partner immediately if you could see this possibility as a viable option in the inner world of your beliefs.
"Perfect timing" is a term we've used to describe the magical feeling that arrives when we move from the place of our knowing.
We were always meant to trust the divinity of our dreams and the, often inconveniently terrifying, timing that comes with them.
Our need to control every aspect of our journey is a symptom of past-conditioning.
Learning to trust the sacred taps and life-changing leaps that are arriving for us - right on time - is the most natural state of being there is.
Over to you:
Where have you been hesitating and holding back?
What have you been overthinking and overanalyzing ad nauseam?
Where have you been using old systems and time frames that no longer align with how you want to live and move in your world?
What disruptive decision are you being called to make in order to CONDENSE time and move in a straight line toward your vision?
To your next level!!