Roses & refrigerators... a story on allowing.
A few weeks ago, I had the thought, "I really want to replace our old refrigerator."
There's nothing especially wrong with it, it works perfectly...but it was the fridge we bought when we moved into our home when it was still an 1100 sq ft. cottage.
It's on the smaller side and the cubby it lives in extends beyond its bounds quite substantially.
It's also not magnetized on its front and call me a traditionalist, but being able to put artwork and affirmations on the front of the fridge is a core memory if there ever was one.
I didn't think too much of this desire and, if I'm honest, the idea of perusing new refrigerators wasn't all that exciting to me.
So I let it lie and went about my business.
I started to notice how much less I was liking our current now seemingly tiny fridge.
But still, this was not a problem that needed to be solved with any sense of urgency.
Fast forward to yesterday afternoon, we had a downright dreamy Saturday that included a 50-degree New England beach, donuts and family time on a much-needed February weekend.
We landed at a big box store in search of a new printer - ours stopped working.
While Ben went to look at printers, I remembered...
Anni and I went left and started opening refrigerators and playing with the idea of our ideal one.
She liked the ones with the water filter inside. I liked the ones with the customizable extra drawers.
An associate handed us a magnet to use on the fronts to make sure we found one that could boast her most magical creations.
We spent about 30 minutes taking inventory, laughing and playing in the refrigerator section.
We landed on one that had wood trim inside and what felt like mood light and laughed at the price tag, "Who wants to pay that for a fridge?"
Fast forward to Sunday and Ben found his way to a store 90 minutes away that has the fridge of our dreams for $1200 less and day-of delivery.
Apparently this refrigerator had big plans for us because it's on its way to the house as we speak.
So why am I telling you this tale about household appliances?
Because it's an example of exactly how allowing the desire to unfold works.
From the gorgeous roses Anni picked out for me yesterday - the only ones of their burnt orange color in the entire store - to a new, unexpected gift of a dream fridge...This is how it works.
The less resistance, the more enjoyment, the easier it arrives.
Over to you:
What happens when we apply this framework to our businesses?
What opens when we put down the struggle and ALLOW the resources and realization of our dreams arrive in perfect timing?
What happens when you let your desire delight you?
What happens when you follow the nudges even when you don't know HOW it's going to come into form?
What if I told you, this is exactly how it works...
The science of the mind is designed to make way for our point of focus - no matter what that looks like - to become our lived reality.
This is not conjecture, it's universal law.
Teaching the science of belief and showing you how to use it for your highest good is what our work is about.
Showing our clients how to build brands and businesses that transcend the limitations of their programmed beliefs and age-old paradigms is not only possible, it's what we do.
IGNITE is the incubator for your next level, the launching pad for your next level and the safe space for you to step fully into your success story.
IGNITE is where we do this deep deprogramming work and help you get dialed in on your dreams and the realization OF them.
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