If you get squirrely about investing in yourself...read this.
I'm on a plane headed to mastermind with a group of amazing people for the next few days.
I think I'm somewhere over Kansas as I write these words to you!
There have been some exciting things moving behind the scenes and I'm excited to share them with you over the next few months...
AND...All of these things have required me to make financial investments in my next wave.
Calling in help, layering in support, finding new edges, stretching beyond old limits & belief systems is always a worthy investment.
What I’ve learned over and over again is that these investments not only multiply my future income, but wildly expedite my results and most of all, my capacity for receiving.
Here's the truth:
We must personally and intentionally expand our capacity....not just for giving, but also for receiving.
Reciprocity is a package deal.
That looks like receiving the compliment *all the way.*
Allowing them to help you - with your groceries, with the kids, with the luggage, with the thing you paid them to do for you...
It looks like accepting the invitation, putting down the deposit, opening yourself for what's unfolding.
To live as if there was only one side to the equation as so many do - is unnatural and imbalanced.
We can't skip this part.
It's a lop-sided energetic arrangement that ends up doing more harm than good.
But once you expand your capacity for receiving, it unlocks a whole new way of existing.
It's like playing with the Universe and openly inviting miracles to land in your life.
The world becomes new.
And all you've ever known now requires another look.
The story you've been living gets to be rewritten in the most exciting and life-giving way possible because,
There's one catch, though...
At first it will feel foreign in a way that makes you want to run.
Like the imposter being an imposter.
Your expansion will threaten you at the deepest, most intimate dimension of your being.
But please listen to me...
The only way to "overcome" it is to become it.
One baby step and bold leap at a time.
It will change you.
How we show up in our businesses, our messaging, our offers, our marketing is directly correlated to our capacity for receiving.
You will only make space and allow for what feels safe to hold.
THIS...right here...is why calling forth support for the next level of expansion is a non-negotiable for the kind of vision that I know you've got.
And you better believe if I’m preaching it, I’m practicing it.
Masterminding, private coaching support & brand expansion (just wait and see!!) - are in full effect.
I am investing myself AND my resources *directly* in what it is I am growing...
Not what I am trying to grow - what I'm actually growing.
There's a difference.
What are you investing in in this season?
What new levels of growth are you inviting in through the conscious commitment to expand your capacity?
Ready to add a virtual mastermind to your power posse?
Weekly coaching, hot seats with me answering your specific questions about your biz and beyond, an incredible community of heart-centered coaches, creatives and epic women - it's all happening in IGNITE Your Business...check it out here and get in there with us. Lifetime access (no annoying recurring memberships to tend to) - join, get started and go at your own pace. We're ready for you.