A new way to look at your dreams…

Something really epic happened the other night & I cried on Instagram about it.  

Let me take you down memory lane to frame this story...

Back in early days of 2014, I was at the end of my rope.

I had a 5-month old baby girl and a more than full-time career in college sports.

I was working nights and weekends, in addition to my typical 8-5, and was quickly realizing after returning from maternity leave that there was no way in hell I was going to be able to do this. 

I was deeply craving change. 

I was deeply craving being present with my daughter.

I was deeply craving the opportunity to create an entirely new paradigm for how I did life and my career.

AND...It was a scary thing to consider.

My family relied on my salary to cover our living expenses.

I was making more than my husband at the time after putting in a decade at this job and there was no room for upward mobility in terms of my salary OR more time available for my family.

It was an all-in, all-consuming career that I loved but knew was a training ground for what I was really meant to do.

At the start of 2014, I picked up Danielle LaPorte's The Desire Map book. 

It was a revelation & it changed my trajectory.

Have you ever read a book that has done this for you?

I would listen to the audiobook in the car before work and then read the hard copy and scribble in the margins before I fell asleep.

This book unlocked something inside of me and this new focus on how I wanted to feel was the giant permission slip from the Universe I needed most. 

Fast forward to April 2014 (and many details behind the scenes in between), I gave my notice with a sacred YES from my very first client.

I quickly scaled to 4 clients and replaced my monthly salary...

I burnt the midnight oil, worked in every moment outside of time with the babe and my job. 

And on May 17, 2014 I woke up as the owner of my own business - FT as a work from home mamapreneur to our 9-month old baby girl.

It was terrifying and exhilarating and the most free I had ever felt.

From there, I went on to build a multiple 7-figure company that has served people worldwide, allowed me to step into my soul's calling and be fully present for both of our children in the ways I have so deeply craved to be.  

And the spark that really got me in motion was Danielle's book.

It was the feet to the fire - it's go time catalyst that moved me into the land of no going back decisions and action.

Fast forward to Feb. 2023 & the part where I was crying on the internet:

There's a Tik Tok trend going around that I haven't had the time to make, myself...but it goes something like this:

[SCENE: Video snapshot of the 2014 version of me looking at the 2023 version of me.]

2014 me: "We wrote a poetry book?"

2023 me: Nods lovingly..."Yes!"

2014 me: "And Danielle LaPorte is featuring our work?!"

2023 me: "Yes!"  

2014 me: In awe...

2023 me: Check this out!!

2014 me: Speechless/Happy Tears 

2023 me: Knowing smile...  whispers - we actually wrote 3 books! 


Over to you: 

Travel back on your timeline to a former version of yourself...

  • What was she working towards? 

  • What was she creating that no one could see yet?

  • What was she DREAMING into? 

Now imagine your present-day self looking her in the eye and showing her how much all of her efforts paid off.

Be prepared to ASTOUND yourself. 

Be prepared to BOW DOWN to your own potent & powerful capacity...your courage...your willingness to commit to the unseen.

You are a force for our collective's highest good - your dreams are an integral component of our rise.

Please take them seriously.

Go all the way in.

Trust that those dreams are your direction...

Watch how your life begins to unfold in the most miraculous and awe-inspiring of ways.

To you...wild dreamer...


Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

What I learned meeting my online biz idols


If you get squirrely about investing in yourself...read this.