The 'idea seed' that stopped me from sharing for a season...

“I don’t like the way your posts look with that filter on it.” <<< The completely unsolicited words she spoke to me in a casual networking conversation. 

I chuckled as I registered what was being said and let it roll off my back in the moment…

But the truth is, the seed had been planted.

And if I’m honest, for a long while, I haven’t been using storytelling/image posts…something I’ve always really loved creating and - admittedly - truly enjoy experiencing over on Instagram.

I was reminded of this today when I encouraged a client to start weaving story telling into her content planning.

She asked me for examples and I had to scroll pretty far back to find one for her.

And then I remembered why...

This reminded me of the little weed in my mental garden that grew from what that person said to me all those months ago.

It reminded me about how it bothered me more than I wanted to admit in that moment.

>> And about how "idea seeds" can be sprinkled in our mental gardens without our realization that they have taken root.

Innocent comments, little quips, projections and opinions…

I see it on the daily working with INCREDIBLE coaches, creatives, visionaries and artists.

I see them stop posting, stop sharing, stop shining their light and - you guessed it - MARKETING their offerings.

All because someone said something that took root and began to infiltrate the good soil of their growth journey.

But here’s the great news:

You are the master gardener of your mind (and your business).

You are the one who decides what you share and what inspires that sharing. 

What does this open for you?
+ What are you planting?
+ What needs to be pulled out?
+ Are there any idea seeds that have taken root that you need to remove?

Here's to tilling the soil of good things growing in our lives and businesses!




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