Here's what we're doing in these uncertain times...

How are you? How are things going in your world?

As we all know and are fully experiencing in this moment, humanity is going through a significant transition right now.

We are being invited to, literally, go inward and look at every facet of our lives.

For most of us, our schedules have been wiped clean and our way of "doing" as a way of living has dramatically changed in the matter of one week.

We made the announcement that the 2020 Ignite Your Soul Summit will be postponed until May 1-2, 2021 early in the week as we saw what was unfolding and wanted to be proactive in light of the magnitude of this event and the travel arrangements so many were making in order to attend.

Anni's school is closed for the next 2 weeks and who knows for how long beyond that.

We're in a literal humanity holding pattern and it's uncomfortable.

I've found myself being met with boredom and restlessness already!

The big things on my calendar have always served as the targets I was training for.

Just like you, I love having something to look forward to.

And for as much as I talk about my desire to have more presence, it's hilarious how uncomfortable having ALL of this space is feeling. 

Do you feel me?

Anni and I were out for a walk in the woods this morning and I consciously chose to not bring my phone...something I am going to be doing more and more of.

As we walked and picked up sticks for her fairy house - that later turned to swords to fight off the "monster" that was chasing us, we listened to the sounds of the birds.

We squinted our eyes and turned our heads to decipher the symphony of songs that filled the trees around us. 

At one point, there was one really loud bird drowning out all of the others. 

It's call made it impossible to hear the chirp of the chickadee or the woodpecker in the distance. 

It reminded me that the loudest voices are hard to ignore even when they do not represent how we feel. 

It got me thinking about all of the fear, the panic-inducing headlines and the craving for leadership we're experiencing in this moment.

But something interesting happened when we stopped on the path and slowed to listen.

When we were still, the loud call began to separate itself from the others. 

Suddenly, we could hear each individual bird's song.

We could make sense of the whole by listening for each of its individual parts. 

This moment in time is presenting us with the opportunity to listen for the song of our own hearts and for the call of others' right along with it. 

This sacred and rare moment in time is bringing us home - literally - to what matters most of all: Our well-being. Our inner world. Our true wealth.

I believe that there are incredible opportunities afoot for all of us right here and now.

And with the space that has been provided, the things we've been putting off for longer than we'd like to admit are ready and waiting for us to listen and bravely birth what humanity (and we) need most of all.

Your community is craving leadership, this is your opportunity to meet them right where they are and support like never before.

Here are a few things I'm doing:

1. I re-opened my free Facebook communitywith a new name, look and feel. It's called Better Toget(her) and it's a space for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to come together to receive the love and support we are needing most. Please join us! 

2. I created a 9-pay option for my Accelerator Mastermind program. There has never been a more important time to receive hands-on, heart-opening support in strategizing in your brand and biz. You can schedule a breakthrough call here to see if this is a right fit for you right now. We're hopping on a pop-up coaching call on how to navigate this moment in our businesses this morning and have more live coaching opps coming up later in the week.

3. I am opening up Power Pod Brand Clarity Sessions for you and 2-3 friends. These will be 90-minute intensive super intimate group coaching sessions to help you get dialed in on your brand/biz strategy and HOW to pivot in a way that serves your audience while also continuing to earn an income as a small business owner. You can email me at to get on the list for this week.

4. I am FaceTiming with friends/clients on the daily and checking in. I am encouraging them and sharing my expertise on how to help them share their wisdom in new and more innovative ways. I am helping them mind their central nervous systems and focus on health and well-being while steadying the ship. 

Here's what I know…

We can do this.

And we will be better as a collective for it on the other side.

Take care of each other. Ask for help. Offer help. 

Be the leader you were born to be. 


Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

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