Why our dreams are not about us

In my office, there sits a tiny frame with a handful of names scrawled on a piece of paper inside.

This collection of names represents the children whose mamas walked away from unfulfilling careers to pursue their passions. 

These mamas said YES to their dreams and in doing so, said yes to their children, their partners and all of the people their sacred work in the world will now touch. 

Our dreams are about so much more than just you and me.

The magnificent ripple effect of one person saying yes to his/her big vision changes the course of history.

When I drove down the hill with my old office in the rearview mirror for the very last time, I was saying yes to the future I was ready to create.

I was saying yes to my family and to my own soul's journey.

I was saying yes to...

  • Jen, which helped put in to motion her dream of creating a vegetarian café and a conscious eating and vibrant living movement in her community.

  • Laurén, which quickly lead to a six-figure business and an incredible college prep course she was able to offer for FREE to those who could not afford it. 

  • Liza, which opened the door for countless families to take control of their personal finances, debt and relationships, and which ironically, has helped her do the same in her own family while working from home from the day her daughter was born. 

  • Amanda, which allowed her to stay firmly planted in the space of growing her phenomenal network marketing team, while staying at home with her 3 kids, and doing the even bigger work of serving fellow direct sales professionals on their personal development and life journeys. 

Our dreams are not just about us. 

Our dreams make way for a better future. 

Our dreams are the catalyst for movements that change worlds. 

Our dreams are massively important.

What movement are you leading?

What bigger vision for humanity lives inside your sacred work?

How are you telling that story?

How are you expressing the urgency of your message in your current brand and business strategy?

I want to help you nail this down.

I want to help you show the world what you see.

And most of all, I want to help you start the movement you were put here to lead.

There's a reason you're being pulled to do this sacred work in the world and it's about so much more than six figures and social media stats.

It's about increasing the collective consciousness of our planet, contributing to the greater good, touching lives forever and healing souls...and it's about starting with your own first. 

This is exactly what we're doing in the Be About It Brand + Biz Mastermind.

Together, we will tap in to the magic and the mission that underlie what you've created or what you're ready to create. 

In 8 weeks, we will transform the way you see your business and you will walk away with your brand plan and the rock solid messaging you need to express what it is you do and how you do it. 

Seats are filling and doors close on Friday, Nov. 4th or when we're sold out, whichever comes first.

This is the only program you need to get the clarity and direction you've been searching for. 

It's impossible to comprehend how many lives will be touched by what happens when you say YES to your dream.

Click here to enroll now

If you have specific questions about the program, hit reply on this email so we can connect and decide if Be About It is a fit for you and your brand.




Is your business a conscious creation or response to fear?


The Marathon of Entrepreneurship: Are you ready to start your movement?