The Marathon of Entrepreneurship: Are you ready to start your movement?

Ben ran his first marathon this weekend (!!)

When he came around the bend to run through the finish line, I felt a wave of love swell in my belly as we followed him, excitedly, to the corral where we could reunite. 

He wrapped his arms around me and we both got teary holding each other, allowing the significance of this moment to wash over us.

A dream, long-held, now realized.

The road to get to this moment was a times, rocky and painful, yet more than worth it on this day. 

After the race, I was getting ready to sit down and write to you and Ben sat next to me on the couch with tears in his eyes and gratitude in his heart and he thanked me.

We did this one together and he wanted to honor my role in the achievement of his dream. 

And that moment reminded me that this is what dreams are all about.

They're about that warm embrace at the finish line.

And not only saying that we're proud of ourselves, but really feeling it in our core.

And, most of all, they're about knowing that what we once thought to be impossible is now just another stepping stone on our journey to becoming who we really are. 

Marathons and entrepreneurship have a lot in common, don't they?

It feels like it's never going to end.

The work required to get there is so lengthy and in-depth, it doesn't always feel worth it when you're on the way there.

It requires thousands of steps (and hours) to pave the way to the finish...

But the embrace as you cross the line, when you feel the arms of a loved one or a client whose life was just transformed, wrap around you - it makes it all worthwhile. 

The truth about you and me, Soul Sister, whether or we like it or not...we're in this thing for the long haul.

This sacred work we've committed ourselves to was made for us and no matter how many times we want to throw in the towel, quit for 24 hours or walk away...we always find our way back to the road again.

The good news is that you don't have to go it alone...

Introducing your brand + biz running buddy: 

An 8-week mastermind experience that will: 

  • Start your MOVEMENT.

  • Help you fully embody your brand across all angles of your business...from the look, to the feel, to the energy + the specific way you serve.

  • Crack in to your mindset to identify the patterns that are keeping you stuck. 

  • Help you connect on a cellular level with your dream clients to deliver greater results and earn the income you're more than ready to receive in your work (aka putting a stop to all of the endless worrying)

  • Learn exactly how to position your products + services to provide irresistible offers and unreal value to your dream clients 

  • Design your soul fueled business plan for 2017 (imagine having 2017 completely mapped out before the ball even drops?!)

The Be About It Mastermind experience includes:

  • 8 weeks of intensive group work in a private, soul fueled Facebook community.

  • 6 modules + bonus content (see below) - sales conversations, Instagram and behind the scenes of my latest rebrand.

  • 4 Q&A group coaching calls - your chance to get one-to-one support throughout the program.

  •  One 60-minute brand mapping session with Amber for just you! 

Bonuses Include:

  • Behind the Scenes of My Rebrand: Brand styling process, photo shoot experiences, graphics, mood boards, etc. - I will bring you in to the experience in a way no one has ever seen before!

  • Instagram Love: I will show you how I grew my Insta-following by 1,000 in less than a month and all of the new techniques I've woven in to my business to use this amazing platform in my brand. 

  • The Conversational Close: How I structure my sales conversations and how it's helped me earn one of the best close rates in the biz. 

 There are just 6 seats left and we kick-off on Monday, Nov. 7th. Don't head in to 2017 without this experience!


"Be About It was unlike any other business coaching I’ve been a part of. We started from THE BEGINNING. This course is the prerequisite to every business workshop, bootcamp, online course. Before you can ever hope to maintain the grind of being an entrepreneur, you have to become intimate with YOURSELF and your purpose. With that fertile foundation in place, growth is a guarantee."
- Tory Dube

"I went through a complete life transformation in those 6 weeks.  My life is forever changed because of the work I did with Amber...If you are feeling like life is spinning around you, and you just can't take the next steps, Amber is your answer to guide you to your true self, and breaking through those barriers in your life and your business." - Rachel Ibbison  

I believe that branding is our sacred opportunity to design a business and life that aligns fully with who we really are.

I believe that when we come home to ourselves and our truth, we transform the lives of others and change the world in which we live. 

I believe that your mission matters and it's time to start crossing the finish line of those dreams.

Join me for this once in a lifetime opportunity and you'll never look at your life and business the same way again. 


Why our dreams are not about us


My top 5 tips for tackling overwhelm