Why Alignment is your Key to Success

We’re on our first family vacation in...well...since we became a family.  

I am one of those people who worked in a corporate job and made BANK when I left because I never used my vacation time. 

Does this ring a bell for you Love? 

If so, this is your loving (learned it the hard way) PSA...

USE your vacation time. Book it in. Ask for the time off. Block out your calendar. 

Give yourself sacred time to recharge with your sweet, wonderful, worthy self. 

We don’t die with a “hero” badge because we self-sacrificed our way to burnout. 

Ok, I’m done....without further ado...here are this week’s top 4:

1. I had an epic conversation with world class fitness genius turned productivity & success coach, Craig Ballantyne- and he’s sharing all of his secrets with YOU. 

Craig is the author of The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control your Life and The Cardio Myth, has contributed to Men’s Health Magazine for over 17 years (+ countless others) and is the founder of the Certified Turbulence Training Program. 

This guy knows how to harness the power of intention and Get. It. Done. and there were MULTIPLE moments in this interview when I felt the lightbulb go on regarding my morning routine and ways I could start tweaking it immediately.

You’ve gotta tune in for this one.

Also Craig shares his 5 tips about how to achieve just about anything here!

2. Did you hear? The Earth is Hiring! 

You guys, one of my favorite podcasts of the year dropped this week, I have been anticipating this interview prior to even having a podcast...so I cannot wait for you to tune in to this one! 

If you’re looking to shake up that soul of yours and learn a new way to live, lead, earn and give- this episode with Peta Kelly is a must listen. 

Her new book Earth is Hiring is out, too! 

Click here to listen

3. The 3 action steps that you can take every single day to grow your reach.

I threw down this video last week about the 3 Daily Actions you must take as an entrepreneur to Massively Grow Your Reach.

This one was not only actionable, but a commentary on conversion strategy that might surprise you.

Click here to watch the video

4. Last weekend’s life changing Mastermind Retreat with my soul sisters (and a castle!!)

You guys.

I can hardly find the words to describe what this experience felt like for me and the 20+ women that got on planes to join us for a weekend away to dig in to their brands, businesses, hearts and mindsets.

This one was a big vision for a long while and to see it come to fruition, to be together with my team loving on these incredible courageous women was a game changer for me.

And the bonus?

My family joined me this time.

We got on the plane together and slept in the big ol’ king-sized bed together. We did it in alignment with what’s real for us (and even had a few babes in attendance for the mamas who were still breastfeeding).

Because our families are our WHY, not our excuse.

This weekend emboldened me in an even bigger way because here’s the truth…

We are better together than we are apart.

When we live in true alignment and feel connected to our work on a cellular level, we give our children and partners the gift of our full presence.

We show up more authentically across the board and we empower them to do the same.

Together, we broke through lifelong barriers and gained massive clarity on how to step into our big dreams and launch our lives into a Brand You dimension. ;) 

Having some FOMO? Don’t worry- there’s another Mastermind Retreat this summer...and we’d love to have you (you also get to attend the Ignite Your Soul Summit for free!).

Head here to set up a free Breakthrough call and find out if joining this life-changing mastermind is the right step for you.

Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

The #HappyLoveDaytoMe Invitation


The Key to Expansion is all about Proximity