What Michael Jackson taught me about my brand
A compilation video of a Michael Jackson performance popped up on my newsfeed this morning.
::: Now let's just pause for a moment before we go any further. :::
MJ and I have a very special relationship, well.
At age 7 I convinced my little brother that if we stared at my cassette tape case long enough, Michael would wink at us from the cover of his Bad album.
I memorized his HBO special Moonwalker and created many a dance routine to even the lesser know tracks ("Speed Demon" anyone?).
And it turns out our daughter shares a birthday with him, can you believe it?
He sadly died 4 years before she was born, but still (!!).
To say that I was a little ob-sessed would be an understatement.
As I watched him spin on-stage and perform gravity-defying dance moves no one had ever gone for before in such a big way, I was reminded that ALL of the greats of our time, have one massive thing in common.
They value the risk of going for it over their fear.
They value the thrill of pushing past physical limitation over the notion that they could fail.
The greatest entertainers and teachers of our time are the ones who weren't afraid to go for it...
The way MJ danced.
The way Tony Robbins teaches.
The way Oprah inspires.
The way Beyoncé performs.
The way Steven Spielberg produces a movie.
The way J.K. Rowling tells a story.
These folks have a total and unabashed commitment to bring their visions to life.
Their unique, creative and passionate perspectives are then translated in to a physical experience that allows us to FEEL in these every day lives of ours.
They move us to tears.
They make us laugh.
They create art that helps us experience emotions that we've tried to lock away.
They ignite the life force within us.
And this is why we love them so much.
So what does this have to do with your brand + business, you ask?
Well, the answer is everything.
Let me break this down for you:
My mission is to help my clients come home to who they really are.
Together, we create a brand that amplifies the message of their soul and gives them the sacred digital platform to express themselves while living the most fulfilling and abundant version of their lives possible.
Just like a musician debuting a new album, telling her stories, framing it with imagery, energy and messages that connect and move us.
What you're doing in your business is no different,
Your website design, your program launch and blog posts are the momentum building tools that connect you with the people who are inspired by your work.
Your stage is the classroom, the board room or your upcoming webinar.
The greatest teachers, innovators and entertainers of our time embrace their own magic.
They use it as fuel to make an impact on the lives of others.
Now it's your turn:
Think about your most favorite entertainers, performers, writers and teachers.
Write down their names and list out what you love most about them.
Spoiler alert:
I have a hunch that what you admire about them is their ability to completely OWN who they are unapologetically.
And here's the good news: You can do this too.
You can start by telling the truth about who you really are and what you know to be true in your heart.
You can take baby step #1 by evaluating where in your life and business you are diluting brand you?
Where are you turning down the volume on your message and your magic?
Step #2 is to do something about it.
Make a declaration.
Ignite your brand makeover.
Build it from the ground up.
Look in the mirror.
Embrace your gifts.
Get ready to walk in a straight line toward your dream.