This will change how you see your dreams forever...

A funny thing happened yesterday while we were out on the pond helping Anni with her dockside lemonade stand. 

We noticed a man across the water nailing a for sale sign in on the shore. 

I immediately went to the MLS listings and got the details, which very unexpectedly, got my wheels turning about one of our longer-term goals of buying an income property here on the water.

As I moved through the day, I got to thinking about timing and how it seems like our dreams never come when the resources we need for them are ready and waiting.

Most often, our dream partner walks up and says hello when we're still in that less than awesome relationship we're not ready to risk leaving.

Or the big business idea lands right when we get the promotion and pay-bump at the job we've been wanting to leave for ages.

Our visions always seem to come WAY BEFORE the resources to fund and fuel them ever will.

It's only through the steady commitment to dreaming without the guarantees that we learn how this pattern works for us.

If I'm being honest, this design can feel really inconvenient. 

But here's the good news about manifestation...

It's not just about visualizing the thing and getting it.

Realizing our dreams - even the smallest ones - requires us to consciously expand our capacity for receiving.

For so many of the business owners I have the joy of getting to work with, it's usually not about DOING more, but allowing ourselves to receive what it is we're dreaming into that really changes things.

What are you dreaming in to?

What changes when EXPAND your capacity for receiving?

This means - ALL of the good that is coming your way...even the stuff you know the people you love might have strong opinions about.

How does your experience of working towards the big vision transform with this new vantage point?

Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

3 Quick Reminders as You Grow Your Brand + Biz


What a bear taught me about timing...