This ONE THING was holding me back from my lifelong dream...

I shared a video with you last week because I was taking advantage of the opportunity to spend the weekend WRITING all by my onesie while the house was empty for the first time in 2020. 

I have been making such happy progress on my manuscript and while there are many reasons why this is true, the most important one is what I need to share with you today. 

As I sat down and let the words flow, I realized the major mistake I was making over the last few years that was keeping this mega-life goal from coming to fruition.

It's also the thing I see incredible visionaries, creatives and new entrepreneurs doing without even realizing it, too.

Here it is:

They follow the guidance of experts, coaches and "successful people" while disregarding their own instincts, gifts and uniqueness. 

Here's an example:

I KNOW like I know that writing for me is something that has to happen on the physical page before it can make it to the screen.

The type of writing I am doing in my book is a style I've been writing in journals for years.

But, for some reason, when it came to writing my own book - I took everyone's advice but my own.

I am a kinesthetic and visual learner.

In my test taking days, I would rewrite my notes in order to study and it was a super successful methodology for me. 

The process of writing helped me to retain and imprint the information.

Even now, I still read the HARD copy of books and write all over them and order print out versions of course modules in a spiral bound book so I can underline, dog ear pages and make notes in the margins.

And while I know this is a fact for me, I was still sitting down to the screen, staring at a blinking cursor and cursing myself for not being able to W R I T E the way so many others have shared that they do.

What changed was me throwing out everything but what works for me and trusting myself and the inevitable unfolding of my path guessed it- If the dream is in me, it's for me.

So here we are at almost 20K words and a book that is aborning all because of one simple adjustment in my process.

Now it's your turn:

Where are you trying to do something in a way that might not be working for you, yet because the advice came from a well-intended friend or trusted guide, you feel wrong for doing it your way?

This is more common than you might think in our culture of idolizing those who have "cracked the code" or figured out the "secrets to success."

But here's what you've gotta know.

Every person who's every achieved the kind of success you are craving had to find their own way there. 

And those whose names we remember and repeat are always the ones who were brave enough to create in their own unique way. 

Through a blend of their own life experience, soul's calling and learning along the path, they've created their own art.

>> Your brand is your sacred opportunity to share your gifts and your wisdom with the world. <<<

Do it your way. 

Take notes along the way.

Learn from the best, use what's helpful for you and leave the rest. 

Your way might take longer, but there is no shortcut to this level of life-changing fulfillment.

Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making β€œthe big leap.”

The power of your purpose.


Normalize rest.