The surprising side effects of 2020...
One of the most surprising side effects of this year is how much easier it has been to align myself with what really matters.
I've noticed that the old tactics I used to rely on to get myself in motion have been falling flat.
Everything and anything attached to old patterns of performance, pleasing or proving have melted away leaving only what's essential.
This, in and of itself, has revealed so much more than I can put words to.
The carrots that used to motivate me have lost their luster entirely and I've never felt more free.
Call it being on the shores of crossing into a new decade, call it having to normalize living in ways that are exceptionally far from normal...but there's something about the way things were that is just no longer relevant.
Let's ** e x h a l e ** that one out together, shall we?
This year has yielded a transformation of quantum proportions.
It has been our permission slip to step away from what's not serving our souls so we can course-correct with a level of precision and honesty we've been waiting lifetimes for.
It has been the green light to GO in the direction of our destiny.
And while it has chewed us up and spat us out here in December wondering what's next, I can't help but feel the excitement bubbling for how powerful these months ahead will get to be for us.
2020 has taught us how to be here in the now-ness of our living.
2020 has expanded our capacity.
It has been the truth serum we've had no choice but to sip from.
And while I certainly miss so much of what was, I am grateful for all that has been revealed.
I am grateful for who I get to be today.
I am trusting my trust in ways I've craved for all of my days.
There's nothing to keep up with.
There's nothing to over plan for.
There's nothing to STRIVE about.
There's nothing to prove here.
What matters is what matters.
What we need to feel supported, safe and sacred is what it's all about.
What we wish to bring into existence while we're here in these bodies is where our energy is best used.
The ways in which we want to express and connect and give and grow is what we must do.
I would love to know how you are doing in your world…
Are you feeling this way too?
What are you needing most right now?
Journal it out.
Sit in contemplation with these questions and give yourself the gift of your own undivided attention.
Loving you. Seeing you. Believing in you.