the conversion rate that changed how I think about my business...

Years ago, when we moved out of our town house to our first home, we were still in the in between for about a month.

We were paying our last month's rent and the downpayment on the new house at the same time.

And while we had moved the essentials over, there were still lots of things that needed to make their way over to our new space.

It was like we were living in 2 places at once.


Recently on a call with my mentor, I had the awareness that elevating our consciousness feels very much the same.

Throw in being an entrepreneur who is working hard to grow a business and do the inner work that goes with it and and it's like a triple whammy.

But this metaphor is more than just a cute intro story, it's actually what it feels like to change the way we think and operate in our businesses.


Here's what I mean...

Most people learn the school of business growth/marketing that looks like having a rock solid strategy, content pillars and a very specific roadmap for what they want to accomplish.

  • Looking at their numbers is a lifeline for them.

  • Content planning is an alternate form of breathing.

  • Being serious about the strategy is what makes them feel safe and secure.

But when things aren't going the way they want them to - sometimes the data isn't enough.

By itself, it lacks imagination.

And in many cases, it's founded on a rigid, scarcity-centric approach that is highly dependent on external forces for satisfaction and success.


It's also where I meet most of the people I work with: 

They're ready to feel more free and breakthrough the limits of where they've been. 

They're tired of contradicting their knowing and they're ready to unleash their magnetism and magic on a whole new scale.

They're ready for new ideas and scaling for what actually matters to them in the season of life they are in - which often differs from the teachers/coaches they've worked with in the past.


They're ready to blown their own minds when they see what opening the floodgates can do - for their businesses AND their lives. 


My dear mentor, Rosemary Bredeson, said the other day,
"My conversion rate is 100% of the people I'm supposed to work with." 

And that was the beat drop I was meant to hear.

Because it's true.

For me & for you.

If you were to trace back the pathways of your most beloved clients, I promise you it would be a winding road that strays from the perfect customer journey pathway.


When we overemphasize our "strategy" - we can collapse the energy of our full-fledged magnetism.

We humans are so funny with our logic and reasoning. 

We really, truly, think we have it all figured out, sometimes, don't we?

And then a miracle comes along and we act like it's a shocking surprise.

Miracles ARE the norm here - we live magical lives and our businesses are an expression of that particular kind of magic.

And our conversion rates - they are transcend timelines.


If you feel like you're living in 2 houses - especially when it comes to your business growth and client attraction, this is your confirmation to make your move. 

Pack up what's relevant and leave the rest.

Some of the key ways to "energetically" do this is to:

1. Review who you are following on your social media accounts. Ask yourself which ideology this person and their content is contributing to (old or new consciousness?) and give yourself permission to unfollow/mute what's not resonant for you any longer.

2. Do the same with your podcasts, email newsletters and so on.

3. Take a look at your client list and compare notes with where each person came from, respectively. Note the sources, experiences and the personal connections braiding together and pay particular attention to how much of the process you were in "control" of. 

4. Join a community that is having this conversation...One that feels inspired and expansive to you. One that uses data points as sparks of inspiration and possibility and leaves room for your creative genius. One that emphasizes YOU operating in your fullest expression and authenticity. One that feels like an opening in your world - Like this one.

4. Think about your community (read: the people who follow you, listen to your podcast, pay for your programs, engage with your content, etc.) and what they are experiencing in their lives in real time. Create content FOR THEM and them only. Refer to #1 to make this easier for you.

When we learn to tap into the undercurrent that informs the data...we give ourselves a leg up - in our businesses and beyond. 

This is what I like to call the Energetics of Business.

It's time to shift your thinking patterns to the house of belief you want to build your life/business in.



the greater truth + where we go from here


little big things + a poem for you