Root yourself...
Ben and I were out for a walk in the woods this morning setting our November intentions and moving our bodies in the brisk New England air.
He commented on how many dead trees stood among the living as we walked through the forest.
This lead us into a curious conversation about what holds us up when we are struggling.
We talked about the roots of trees and not only about how deep those roots stretch down into the earth, but about how deeply intertwined and interdependent those root systems are.
The roots serve a purpose in keeping each tree tethered to the earth and to one another as they grow their way toward the light.
This conversation got me thinking about our human family and how deeply intertwined we are at the heart of our being.
It got me thinking about the number of times I wiped tears from my cheeks as we trudged through the early snow and fallen leaves for our annual trick-or-treating adventures in my childhood neighborhood last night.
The elaborate set-ups to keep everyone safe and still provide the kids with an opportunity to enjoy the holiday absolutely cracked my heart open.
The effort each and every one of the neighbors put in to make last night special is who we are.
Somehow, the political signs on the front lawns didn't matter for a moment.
But what did was the way we showed up for one another.
I know the days ahead will present a great deal of unrest and anxiety in so many of us.
Yet all we can control is how we respond to what's unfolding before us.
My solemn prayer for each and every one of us is to remember our roots, the ones that connect us on a deeper level.
I invite each of us to remember those roots and to do something kind for someone else every day.
I invite you to be the light, wherever you are, in the world.
Be a helper.
Be a giver.
Take care of your sweet self.
Above all else, remember that our universal language is love and now, more than ever, LOVE is what guides us through the most complicated, heart-wrench and confusing circumstances.
There is so much good here. Don't forget it.
Sending you a big dose of LOVE, light and hope for the days ahead.