Here's why it feels like no one is listening & 3 Tips on how to Shift

It's time for some real talk...

Here's the reason it feels like no one is listening...

You're vanilla. 
You're constantly (and exhaustingly) editing yourself. 
You won't take the next step. 
You're holding back from saying what you REALLY want to say to the world for fear of what the world is going to say back.

So you say nothing.

And you create a brand that looks pretty and perfect and positions you like every one else who is too afraid to step out of line and say what she really wants to say.

You watch endless webinars and trainings, you sign-up for every course under the sun and think to yourself, "I can do this too, hell, I can do this even better."

Yet, you continue to do nothing.

You keep on scrolling and comparing and judging yourself and wasting more of your precious time while hiding who you really are and what your SOUL is screaming at you.

And the harsh reality is that hiding from your fear and keeping your message trapped inside you is getting you NOWHERE.

The proof is in your conversions and the feeling you have every time you sit down at you desk and try to wrack your brain around how to 'get' new clients.

And the more you hesitate, the less happens in your business and the more frustrated, frantic and hopeless you feel.

You're out of your 9-5 and you've masterfully transformed your home office in to what feels like another prison.

You're wondering what to do now because you're freaking out, need to make more money STAT and you have no clue what to do next.

I want you to take a deep breath and ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Would I buy what I'm selling? (If you can even figure out what that is...) 
2. Would I be attracted to my own message? 
3. Would I look at my website and say, "She 'gets' me, holy hell, I've gotta work with, take my money!"?

If your answer is NO to any (or all) of the above, I've got some good news.

You're ready to shake things up.

You're ready to ditch what's not working to align yourself with what will.

Because the reality is, it begins with you.

It's time to...

Smash the cycle of insecurity and stand in your power.

Break your old patterns and create the life you actually want.

Step up and say what you want to say and help others TRANSFORM with you.

It's time to stop thinking about it and start BEING about it.


Are you questioning the system or yourself?