Are you questioning the system or yourself?

One of my biggest blocks when I launched my business, was learning all of the systems and tools that went along with building a successful online brand. 

I remember the late nights and the rage I used to feel when that new blog post I just wrote went from sparkling on my screen to the spinning wheel of death.

All of my hard work and words were frozen in the interspace and I forgot to save the last draft.

And, naturally, the was babe awakening from her nap and my work window just slammed shut. 

Everything felt so dramatic and difficult.

I know this feeling all too well and when I was living my life and operating my business in a finish line to finish line model, I was constantly overwhelmed.

I never felt like I had enough time and that my message was not getting through to the people I wanted to help the most. 

Recently, I was listening to a client lament about all of the deadlines she has to meet and how much pressure she felt in needing to learn these new systems.

She was on the verge of tears over the stress of setting up an automation for her latest launch. 

And I listened to her words, I felt a pang in my chest because I remembered that feeling all too well. 

The helpless frustration.

The feeling of being worthless and the cycle of doubt that would inevitably kick in when my sweet VA asked me what she can do to help and I had no clue how to answer her question.

There have been countless moments like this...until I finally realized that it actually had nothing to do with the systems and it had everything to do with how I felt about myself.

...about my ability to really DO this thing.

...about my willingness to look failure in the eye and to keep on going.

...and, most of all, about my realization that there is no finish line.

Launch dates can move. 

Systems can be redesigned.

Plans can change to better fit the bigger picture of our lives.

Recently, I've made some mega-moves in my business. 

I've put a pause on the things that no longer made my heart sing so I could swing the doors open to what does.

I've streamlined my systems to include all-in-one tools that welcome in more ease.

I've said no to the things that don't leave room for spaciousness.

This includes operating my business according to rigid funnels and rules that don't belong to me.

And I want to tell you all about it.

I want to peel back the layers on the HOW so you can spend more time focusing on your WHY.

Please accept my invitation to join me live, next Tuesday, August 16 at 1:00 pm EST for the Brand You Business Plan free training. 

In this hour-long event, my goal is to help you examine your current systems and mindset around how you have to operate in your brand and business and trade those ideas in for something better.

I want to delve in to the idea that shattering the rules that are keeping you stuck is the most important step you can take on paving your pathway to freedom.

I want to show you what's possible and how with these concepts and inspired action steps I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs transform their lives, created a multiple six-figure business and designed a life where true fulfillment is the most important measurement for success. 


What feels like a non-negotiable in your soul?


Here's why it feels like no one is listening & 3 Tips on how to Shift