clear like a lake: reflections of truth
Every night before I go to bed, I read a page from one of my favorite poetry books.
Currently, Mark Nepo's The Half Life of Angels is on the night stand.
After completing my nightly abundance ritual (my favorite thing ever), I flip open to whatever page is meant for me and receive the message.
Last night's passage took my breath away and I had to share it with you...
Out of View by Mark Nepo
Letting go of all I've been taught
is like spilling a bag of marbles
on a hill and watching them
bounce out of view.
Though each was there
to remind me of something
profound, without them I am free
to name everything in the world
all over again.
"Without them I am free to name everything in the world all over again."
>> What have we named that bears revisiting?
>> What is this current season of life asking us to reexamine?
I'm preparing for a VIP Session tomorrow for a client and her husband who are ready to dream into a new vision for their family.
They got on a plane, ready to dig in and put all of the pieces on the table so we can create a plan to get there.
I'm most excited to help them, like in the poem, "name everything in the world all over again."
There's beauty in being willing to start anew when we're not new.
There's magic in remembering that the past is an instrument to reflect the truth of what's right here - right now.
And the power of our present moment contains within it - all of time, all possibility...all there is.
When we look at our lives in this way, we quickly realize - we've never had more to work with.
I'll leave you with one more line from another one of Mark's poem, I just can't stop thinking about...
When a lake is clear, it reflects
the whole sky. When disturbed
it mimics the point of disturbance.
To being clear like a lake...reflecting the whole and the boundless possibility of what's right here.
Happy Sunday, friend.