5 steps to refocus + realize your dreams

This week will go down as one of the most magical in all of my days

On Friday afternoon, I found myself sitting on the dock in the sunshine, sipping from my favorite cup while making edits to my dream book.

The physical copy of my book Paddle Home landed on my doorstep for one last round of tweaks and the weather here in New England was straight up glorious. (I am so excited for our Ignite Your Soul Summit virtual audience to get their advanced copy in just one week!! Grab your ticket here if you haven't yet!)

It was one of those "pinch me" moments that got me thinking about the road to get *here* and what I've learned, now, sitting on the other side.

I took some time this weekend to map out my manifestation and realization process to reflect on and share with you.

These steps are the pathway that our students apply over and over again to realize their deepest desires.

Some of those outcomes look like dream houses, publishing deals, TED talks, revitalized relationships, newfound love and so much more. 

Whatever it is you are dreaming into right now, I want to help you speed up the process...

Here are 5 steps to refocus & realize your dreams:

1. DECIDE what it is that you really want.

Your vision is your target and without it, there is no direction.

This is the birthplace of manifestation momentum. You cannot skip this step to get to where you wish to go.

Make a decision about what it is you are craving most for your life, your business and beyond and follow the next 4 steps...


You want what you want because you believe it's going to give you more of the good stuff - abundance, expansion, luxury, connection, magic and so on.

Simply put, you want it because it's going to FEEL GOOD when you get it.

Start here...energize it, remember the whole point - feeling good. Start now. Give it a theme song, play with your dream, make a Pinterest board, see it, ask yourself to dream about it before you fall asleep. EnJOYYYYY the good vibes of your vision all the way deep down in your bones. Need help with developing a practice? Check out the Quantum Wealth Course - it's a 48 day journey to help you develop a new abunDANCE practice. 


Our dreams are going to ask us to assume a new way of seeing ourselves. Choosing to step into a new identity is the quickest way to create new habits that support us in where it is we want to go.

In order to uplevel our experience and expand our capacity for receiving, we have set ourselves up for success.

Here are some of the simple ways you can do this:

  • Give yourself a visual. When I think about my dreams, there's always a visual component to go with it. What's yours? What future version of you do you see in your mind? See yourself living it out...let this version of you be your muse.

  • Rearrange your space. Where are you currently doing your work? Does it make you feel proud? Does it make you feel excited? No? That matters. Does your home arrangement/spatial flow feel supportive? You can change that...set yourself up to succeed.

  • Resource yourself. What sort of support do you need? Knowledge? Mentorship? Coaching? Masterminding? Therapy? Accountability? Physical training? Medial support? What sort of support would make a difference in helping you feel equipped? Enlist it.

  • Commit to a daily practice. What do you need to commit to on a daily basis in order for your future self to sync up with your present day self? Movement? Meditation? Daily journaling? Going to bed with your intentions set for the next day? A clean kitchen before sleep? Where are you committing on the micro level the way the future even more badass version of you needs you to?


If you build it, they CAN come. If you don't....well, you know the rest.

Those who manifest their dreams and desired reality don't get there without the inspired action and persistence that is required. Your book will not write itself. Your business will not market itself. This is the place where energizing your efforts matters most. Tests will be provided along the path. Your job is to persevere. Plan for your success by devoting yourself to the practice of creation. Need help in figuring out how to position your brand for impact and sales? We can help, click here


What if I told you your dream was already in motion, but, like the seed cracking through its shell in the darkness of soil - we cannot see it.

What if the simple act of READING this email and resourcing yourself for your desired reality was the most vital step you can take in realizing your future? 

Tuning in for that training, listening to that podcast episode, writing those words, perfecting your elevator pitch and building those relationships were ALL important steps in creating the future reality you are craving so deeply. 

Give yourself credit for each step you have taken to get here.

You are already doing it.

Keep going.


Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

What happens when we hide how we feel


A sneak peek from my latest book (Paddle Home)