It’s time to make sales fun, again

or maybe for the very first time, ever!

TRUTH: Sales has single-handedly changed my life.

I’ll never forget the moment of that first “YES!”

My business came alive in an instant and a decade later - it has generated multiple 7-figures in - you guessed it, SALES!

But the problem for the majority of the coaches and creatives I work with, they say things like,

  • “Sales feels gross to me.”

  • “I don’t want to be that girl - who’s always selling.”

  • “I feel like sales is code for taking advantage of people.”

If you’ve felt his way too, it’s no wonder you’re not where you want to be in your business just yet.

But what if I told you it didn’t have to be this way…

Let’s go to Camp!

For 2 weeks, I WILL TEACH YOU my 4-part sales PROCESS:

  • The foundation for how I have achieved multiple five-figure months on repeat for the last 10 years in my coaching biz.

  • The method I’ve shared with hundreds of clients who are achieving similar results, scaling their businesses and selling from stage with ease & epic results.

  • The simple mindset shifts that will transform how you approach your sales - forever…we’re talking the most ethical, aligned & CNS-friendly approach there is.

  • How to weave in marketing and a visibility plan that energizes you and connects to the people you love to help most.

  • The model and methodology you can customize to match YOUR business mission and so much more.


3 LIVE Zoom Coaching Calls AND a LIVE Community space to share your questions/activations throughout our time together.


(We also added a 2-pay option for yoU!)

**All current IGNITE Your Business members access for free!

Here’s our camp schedule:

6/17 - YOUR SALES BREAKTHRoUGH: group WELCOME & training #1 is live

6/19 - live coaching session (via zoom)

6/20 - Optimizing your offer: training #2 drops

6/21 - live coaching session (via zoom)

6/23 - your sales system: training #3 drops

6/25- The Subconscious & Sales: training #4 drops

6/26 - live coaching session (via zoom)

We will OPEN the Facebook Community on Thursday, 6/13 so you can meet & greet with your fellow Campers!

Let’s sit around the campfire and make sales your new superpower

What if sales became the simplest thing in your business?


  1. Sign-up for Camp below & check your inbox for your invite to join our Facebook Community.

  2. The 4 trainings will be delivered throughout our 2 weeks together (6/17, 6/20, 6/23 & 6/25)

  3. You will have lifetime access to the trainings/replays to watch them at your own pace.

  4. Join us for our 3 LIVE Coaching/Q&A sessions:
    6/19 @ 12:00 pm ET 
    6/21 @ 1:00 pm ET 
    6/26 @ 12:00 pm ET

Here’s how it works:

A note from Amber:

Hi Friend, 

I am so excited to kick off Summer Sales Camp with you!

I am such a firm believer in the transformational power of sales and what happens on the other side of our YES.

As a kid, I helped my mom with her small business and whenever we would make a sale, it went towards paying for the mortgage or my soccer tournaments.

Those sales were real-life-changing dollars.

And my mom did an amazing job of showing me how those dots connected!

As a small business owner, today, I am the person who does a happy dance with every single sale we make.

And helping others realize the full potential of making sales their super power is life-changing work.

I can’t wait to sit around the virtual campfire and dig into these fundamental teachings, and dig into the coaching work that will help you reimagine sales and expand your business in the process.

I’ll see you at camp!

Got questions about camp?

DM me on Instagram at @amberlilyestrom or email