Transform your relationship with yourself (A Mother's Day gift for your soul)
I've been devouring Rebecca Campbell's Light is the New Black for the last few days.
Any moment I can carve out a few moments to sit and read feels like a divine gift to my soul.
This weekend, I got some time to linger in bed with my journal and the book and back and forth I went allowing myself to welcome in the downloads and the spaciousness of an intentionally created #whitespaceweekend.
I have been in full-court press prep mode for The Soul Fueled Summit next weekend(!!)and the space is much needed.
Don't forget: Tickets are available through Wednesday, 5/17- get yours now and join us in-person for this life-changing day.
Somewhere in the middle of the book, I came across a question that made me frantically reach for my journal and I had to share it with you...
I invite you to explore the question:
'What does my younger self need to hear to feel safe, loved and supported?'"
I closed my eyes and immediately pictured my daughter in my mind's eye.
I thought about how vital is is to me that our little girl know that she matters, that her ideas and dreams are important.
I have committed to the very best of my ability to make sure that she knows how seen and supported she is.
I thought about myself when I was her age.
I thought about the dreams that I kept hidden away...the secret wishes and hopes I was too terrified to share with the world and my parents.
I thought about how this cycle of hiding myself away began so early, yet lives on in me today.
Can you relate?
So many of the women I speak to on a daily basis are afraid to want what they want.
When I ask them to tell me about their big vision for their life looks like, they begin by telling me all of the reasons they can't be who they really are.
So my gift to you on this Mother's Day, whether you're a mama or not, is to invite you to compassionately mother yourself.
It's to turn inward and ask the little girl who lives in side of you what she needs to feel safe, loved and supported right now.
And to choose to give it to her unconditionally all the days of your life henceforth.
Give yourself the gift of your own loving attention and watch what happens next.
Happy Mother's Day to you, sweet soul.
PS - Soul Fueled Summit tickets are on-sale until Wednesday, 5/17 - JOIN US LIVE on Sunday, 5/21 in Portsmouth, NH for an amazing life-changing experience. Click here for tickets + info.