The front lines of parenting & our most precious resource

Our girl started preschool 2 weeks ago and we are going through, yet another, parental rite of passage.

And despite the teary first day and a few in between, this new adventure has gifted me with count 'em, 6 (!!) brand new sparkly hours in my week to do whatever I want to do with myself.

And I'm not going to lie, this newfound freedom has felt like one-part Julie Andrews spinning in fields of green, one-part straight-up paranoia...

I found myself sitting at my desk scrolling and scrolling, walking around my house tidying things that didn't need tidying and even DRIVING around aimlessly with the sole question blaring in my brain, "What do I DO with this precious time?!"

The spaciousness has felt absolutely decadent and totally wild.

In days of old, as a newer entrepreneur, I would have slam jam-packed those magical minutes with client calls and strategy sessions hunched over at my desk racing the clock until the moment I had to sprint back to pick her up. 

But at this chapter and moment in my life, things feel drastically different.

Recently, I made a vow to myself that instead of totally depleting myself, my most precious gift and resource, I was going to do ONLY the things that enlivened my spirit, that ignited my ENERGY so I could be of greater service to the world. 

Something finally clicked for this recovering work-a-holic that I didn't have to become a slave to my business in order to be successful.

This awakening felt overwhelming to grasp at first and took time for me to fully embody...

But here we are...

It's Thursday morning and I am sitting in a coffee shop writing to you just moments after peeling my little one from my legs as we said our teary goodbye at preschool drop off.

(It's been 2 weeks and she's on to us about how this preschool thing actually works now. We negotiated an extra long visit with "Eliot," the school's bearded dragon and I tip-toed out as her teacher promised to let her linger at the fish tank for an extra few minutes.)

I am writing to you from the front lines of parent-preneurship. 

It's a beautiful dance over here. 

We are constantly striking a fine balance between feeling thrilled and throttled in our work. 

Deciding between folding the laundry or cranking out a blog post.

And every single one of those decisions matters...

Because when the cup is half empty, it's hard to be who we really are.

It's even harder to show up and shine brilliantly for others when we can't give it to ourselves first. 

And with you as my witness, {{firstname}}, I am going to be the first to tell you that I've given up the half-hearted hustle for good. 

I'm letting go of operating in my business (and life) one step away from life support.

Because I FINALLY realized that...


Without it, we cannot stand firmly planted in our power.

Without it, we can't FEEL the way we want to feel in order to be the world shifters we were born to be.

My bestie and fellow soul-o-preneur Rachel Camfield and I have been talking about energy a lot lately.

We've made some incredible discoveries about what was and wasn't working in our lives and businesses, respectively, and put our heads together on how to stop it on a dime.

We are so excited about what we've found and what we've created and we want to share it with you in a free masterclass, next Thursday, 9/22 at 2:00 pm EST/11:00 am PST.

We will dive in to our personal stories with you about how we, each, dramatically transformed our current business structures to focus on creating more time freedom, residual income streams, abundance beyond our wildest dreams and spaciousness for what matters most to us.

This is not your average masterclass. 

Be prepared to rewrite the story about how things are "supposed" to be in order to make way for how you WANT them to be in your life and biz.

Aligning ourselves with our precious energy is the single most important step in the process to achieving greater fulfillment.

And fulfillment, my friends, IS the goal.


"Everything is energy and that's all there is." - Albert Einstein

We can't wait to see you!

PS - There is limited seating for this masterclass, don't miss the opportunity to join us!! Click here to grab your seat now


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What feels like a non-negotiable in your soul?