Selling with Soul

When I stepped off stage at the Ignite Your Soul Summit last April...

Right after sharing my invitation for audience members to join the Mastermind program, my friend + fellow speaker Chris Harder - host of the For the Love of Money podcast and money mindset maven, said to me,

"Lori and I were just completely blown away...that was the most authentic, heart-centered and compelling sales pitch we have, literally, ever heard. We just learned so much from watching you share on stage like that."

I was touched and honored to receive these kind words from Chris, one of my favorite teachers on the subject of money mindset and sales, but what moved me most deeply was receiving words around a topic that has not always been easy. 

Raise your hand if pitching your products/services tends to make you insta-weird.

I've so been been the girl on a webinar who suddenly shifted in to the sales pitch portion of the program and had spontaneous coughing attacks. 

I've also been the person who rocked a sales call, but when it came to the money part of the conversation, started acting like a total nut job and, ultimately didn't make the sale.

Can we say self-sabotage?

The best part about Chris' feedback was that during the part of the event when I was sharing the Mastermind invite with the audience, I did not feel awkward or uncomfortable for one moment...I was completely in my flow. 

I was sharing a heart-centered and seamless invitation with the women in the audience whom I knew were READY to take a next bold step on their journeys. 

All of the dots lined up with my brand, my business, my offer and my invitation.

I stood on that stage knowing that this program was not something I created by myself...therefore, sharing it in front of the 200 people felt natural, spiritually guided and aligned with my deepest truth. 

So you might be wondering why am I sharing this story with you today? 

Because, sister, I know what it feels like to to be S-O-L-D sold to. 

And I'm sure you do too.

I know what it feels like to listen to someone's voice shaking and quaking at the end of their webinar because they don't believe all the way, yet, in themselves or what it is they are offering. 

I know what it feels like to wimp out and not offer the invitation because I felt like a fraud.

I know what it feels like to fail, but I also, know what it feels like to nail the landing and welcome in six-figures from stage. 

I am telling you this because the SALE portion of your work in the world is massively important and here's why....

If we can't figure out how to package, position and pitch your products and services, no one will get to experience the transformational journey you are ready to take them on.

Selling is nothing more than an invitation to up-level, uplift and empower others with your gifts. 

It's an opportunity for you to make the painful lessons you've learned and the struggles that went with it worth it. 

It's a way to maximize TIME - the one thing we can never, ever get back - in the lives of others and ourselves. 

And because I believe this in my bones, I am calling you out + IN to the program I have built with my whole heart that has served as the sacred container for a tribe of incredible soul sisters who have transformed their lives, businesses and bank accounts from the inside out as a result.

My Mastermind Experience is the golden ticket to your own personal's the mega-deep, "holy moley, I didn't think anyone knew that about me!" kind of transformation.

And to add to the highly intimate nature of this program (aka Me + You working on your brand/biz trajectory), I will be rolling out my Prosperous Personal Brand Formula inside the walls of the program in the month of September!!

The current Masterminders don't even know this yet. :) 

They just got the keys to my brand new Master Your Money Mind program last month and in September, we are throwing down new challenges and laser-focus to maximize their sales and launches on a whole new level.

The mission of the Mastermind Experience is to help position your brand for mega-impact with the income to match and to make the pathway to creating a profitable personal brand + business way less confusing. 

Because being yourself and sharing your magic with the world doesn't have to be hard.

What I teach in this space are the road-tested techniques, tactics and mindset shifts I have been implementing and learning over the last 14 years of working with countless brands that range from just getting started to seven-figure empires. 

This roadmap will be the foundation with which you can amplify your brand for maximum abundance and sales that not only feel easier to make, but are ALIGNED with who you really are and how you want to show up in your sacred work in the world.

We currently have 10 seats in the Mastermind for the month of September (3 of which are for the In(Her) Circle Mastermind Opportunity). 

If you are ready to receive personal 1:1 support from me in the process of taking your brand and business to the next level, Click here to complete the form and schedule your Breakthrough Call now.

Consider this to be the ROCKET SHIP ride you and your business have been waiting for.

I am up-leveling to a whole new year on Thursday (Happy Birthday to me!) and I could not be more excited to shift in to high-gear with a handful of women who are READY to take off!

If you are ready to start playing big and taking the RIGHT massive action for growth inside the walls of your sacred brand with a group of rockstar soul sisterpreneurs, now is your time. 

Click here to complete the form now

Let's Do This.


Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making β€œthe big leap.”

Building What Matters


Encouragement for the Big Dreamer