Read *these words* before you go to bed tonight

I'm coming in hot with a message that is life fire in my heart and I had to stop everything to send these words your way...

I will preface tonight's message with the acknowledgement that this transmission is intended for the weary and wild soul who is standing on the doorstep of their next level of life-altering transformation. 


Here we go...

I'm tired, friend.

I'm tired of sitting down at the screen scrolling through the same affirmations, the same performative posts, and the same old, same old narrative we've been speaking for far too long.

I'm tired of witnessing incredibly talented, brilliant women bang up against the same barriers our mothers and their mothers did lifetimes ago.

But in this message, I'm not talking about the broken systems on the outside.

I could go on and on about the ways in which our societal norms, structures and paradigms are holding us in bondage...but that's a message for another moment...

What I am on tonight is the way in which we do this inside the padded walls of our own minds - 

The ways we hold ourselves where we are, often unknowingly, co-signing on the inheritance we'd rather leave behind.

Limitation, lack, scarcity, doubt, self-destructive thoughts and patterns that must make their exit from our souls and our soma.

There is just no other way...and the truth is:

No one is here to do this for us.

So it's time we ask ourselves the questions that absolutely must be asked.


What's it going to take to *finally* break out of the old, outdated, misaligned messages that hold us back from our next level?


What keeps the money we can taste, see, smell and FEEL out of our vortex, out of our bank accounts and out of the coffers of the causes we so deeply want to contribute to?

As I was reflecting on this over the weekend, a new awareness emerged and I knew I had share these words with you immediately:

Wealth is not and never was the problem. 

But the ways we judge others for theirs surely is.

Those split-second reactions we feel in our bellies as we innocently scroll through our feeds and roll our eyes means more than the mild irritation we write it off to be.

These subtle projections hold a deeper truth within them that separates us from the blessing that very post was intended to be.

Can you see this? 

And so, the harsh judgments, themselves, we hold against others for their wealth, their version of success, their boldness - end up serving as a more accurate reflection of our doubt in what's possible for us...

And thus, becomes an amplifier for our present state rather than elevating us into our next hemisphere of opportunity.

Let me say this another way...

When we carry an aversion for those who have the AUDACITY to want more for their lives, it's like hitting the gas in the opposite direction of our dreams. 

We set ourselves up to live in rebellion to what has been calling us forth, rather than claiming what was always intended to belong to us.

And for most, the mindset we were indoctrinated into as children is a traditional framework of thinking that perpetuates our trauma.

The systems we were raised with have crooked roots.

But what if instead of fighting it, WE were the ones to plant new seeds for ourselves and future generations to come? 

What if we could reclaim and rewrite the lack-laced stories we've retold over and over again and, instead, allowed the money and prosperity we so deeply desire to line up with our highest good?

What changes when we're willing to rip back the veil to see our deepest truth? 

The one where we are operating from a place of grace-filled growth and generously sharing it with others...

What happens when we decide to build our entire lives in service to what we hold most sacred?

The wealth you crave is waiting for you, too.

 May you walk into this week with a newfound boldness in you.

 Fill up the frame with your beautiful knowing.

 Devote yourself to the practices that bring you home.

 Allow the way you live and work and give and grow to feel like a solemn prayer.

The more we can each and all delve into these depths, the greater treasures we will discover along the way. 

Sharing a deep bow of gratitude for you  and your beautiful journey...

If tonight's energy transfer lifted you, I am thrilled to announce that I have opened an invitation for a small group of women who are ready to up-level their living, their energy systems, their business offerings and their income (to the tune of six-figures).

This intimate and intensive coaching opportunity is a brand new activation I have never shared like this before... It will include life-altering coaching support and community connection with a very special group of souls.

If you are ready to elevate your growth trajectory, expand your capacity for receiving while transforming your relationship to your legacy wealth, don't sleep on this one. Click here to apply + learn more.

Sending you love beyond measure as you embark on a new week of getting to be in your one, precious life. 

You are here to receive miracles.

You are here to be a blessing to so many.

Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making β€œthe big leap.”

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The green elephant in the room 🐘