On remembering what it's all for...

Life has been moving at a dizzying pace lately.

It's a stark contrast to the way of life one year ago and it's also a gentle reminder that the lessons that came with 2020 were not for naught.

The water is still on the pond this morning and my body is tired in a way that I cannot ignore.

The weeks are winding down on this sweet healing space of summer we've treasured.

Last night, as we drove home in the dark after getting to reunite with a beloved friend, I cried for no specific reason.

I felt the weight of the comings and the goings, the aging and the growing, the unexpected and, sometimes, long goodbyes and all of the space between stirring inside.

We drove with the windows down, the soft air enveloping us as I reached for Ben's hand and sat in the middle of it all...the joy and the plans and the pains of being fully alive. 

I let the tears quietly fall and I caught back up with myself right there in the passenger seat. 

The poet, the mother, the daughter, the wife, the friend, the dreamer, the one who sees into the hearts of others...

I put on soft music and melted into this one exquisite moment - our girl asleep in the backseat and my husband's 37 year-old hand in mine knowing that these are the moments I will look back on years from now and worship. 

As I get older, the little things seem to swap places with the big things and what brings me the most joy is lingering in the details that weave together into tactile memories I get to take with me.

It's a quiet Sunday morning with no plans and loved ones I can pick up the phone and say 'I love you' to.

It's the smell of my mom's kitchen or watching the way my dad polishes his kayak or listening to Anni sing in her room after I've kissed her goodnight.

After all this time, I just don't know what matters more.

As we wind down these final weeks of summer, I pray you will find space for sacred pauses and simple moments to soak in the goodness that surrounds you.

May we open our calendars and make way for meaning and experiences that feel like medicine to our souls. 

May we breathe in deeply and quiet ourselves long enough to hear the beat of our own hearts and the whisper of the wisest parts of ourselves calling us home. 

Brimming with love and adoration of beautiful life and the ones we get to journey with.

Happy Sunday to you and yours.


PS. - Thank you to each and every one of you who joined the 3-Day Do Your Dream Challenge. It was a magical week of connection and expansion. If you'd like to catch the replays - you can click here (no additional opt-in required). 

Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

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