Letting go of comparison
Throwback to the 6th grade, sitting next to Kerry, hands down our class' best artist by a long shot.
Mrs. F. asked us to draw a floral bouquet for Mother's Day with oil paints.
I was psyched for the assignment, it seemed simple enough and while I wasn't an especially gifted artist, I was mostly proud of what I was able to create.
That is, until I looked to my left and saw Kerry's sunflower masterpiece complete with the mosaic vase and technicolor detail staring back at my pathetic pansies right there in the middle of 4th period.
It wasn't a competition by any stretch, but with one innocent glance over at her paper, I suddenly wanted to crumple mine up in embarrassment.
What's worse?
This modern day art class scene is available 24/7 over on Instagram.
And this innocent little habit we developed waaaay back when stops us before we start and holds us back from creating our art.
Consider this note a loving invitation to break that destructive old habit pronto.
Let me be the one to remind you that...
Your art has nothing to do with anyone else.
The way you express what you know and how you feel is a personal experience and journey.
Embracing our creativity and ingenuity is the only way our businesses will ever win.
I recently filled out a questionnaire for a web designer and one of the questions they asked me was, "Who is your competition?"
I quickly typed in "N/A" into the box.
Because it's true.
I am not competing with anyone.
Not even myself.
I built a business to serve from my gifts and to live a more fulfilling life.
I commit to projects that light me up and to share my art (i.e. content/teachings/programs/etc.) in the ways that make feel more alive.
I know that's what you want, too.
As we step into this new year together, let's keep our eyes on our own pages, shall we?
Let's create from a place of our deepest desires and lived experience.
You are only here to teach what's yours to teach.
From here, you get to live in the frequency of abundance in every facet of your existence.
That's the kind of New Year vibe I'm talking about.