Kicking off 2018 with The Weekly Four

Happy New Year Amber!

I am coming in hot on the first few days of 2018 feeling invigorated and alive and ready for all that this magical New Year has to offer.

My focus for the new year is to radiate and fully embody what it feels like on the inside in all aspects of my my business, in my marriage, my role as a mama and in my friendships. 

I am focused on giving myself more space and time to be intentional and clear on the ways in which I can best care for myself, while also serving my tribe and loved ones. 

One of the first orders of business over at Team A was to get REALLY clear on how we wanted to communicate with you in a way that felt useful, succinct and intentional. 

I am so excited to share our first love note of 2018 is also the unveiling of my new Weekly Four...a quick + easy read to help you feel more inspired and expansive on your life and business journey. 

It's simple. 

I will share just four of the things I'm feeling for the week with quick links for you to dig in to and share with those in your world who will benefit from it.

So without further ado...welcome to my first Weekly Four of the year!

1. The Latest Podcast Episode...How to Align Your Career with Your Calling

You're going to want to sit down for this one. Grab your journal, a warm beverage and get ready to go in with your sweet self. This one felt like the central message I needed to bring forth from 2017 and I am so excited to share it with you.

In this episode you will learn:

  • How to shift from strategic planning to living in daily alignment

  • How to know when it’s time to ask for help

  • How to align your career with your calling and to notice the whispers nudging you on

  • About the soul shifting passage I read that helped me understand why I am exactly where I need to be

Click here to listen now

2. My favorite podcast interview of 2017: For the Love of Money with my friend Chris Harder 

It's not often I find myself taking notes from my own podcast interview, but that's what happened with this one. I've shared it before, but it's worth sharing again because Chris and I focused on that 5-letter-word that so many struggle with and I want to help you leave that struggle behind in 2018.

That word?


And the fact is...your relationship with money is intimately connected to everything else in your life, including your brand and business growth. 

“The more I honor what I feel called to and what I am the very best at, the more abundance and goodness there is in my business, bank account, how my body feels and relationships.”

Click here to listen now

3. My favorite new biz tool: My iPad Pro + Apple Pencil

I gifted myself this new techie toy at the end of the year because I was so inspired by the Apple commercial "What is a computer?"

I knew that I needed to integrate more functionality in the way I was using my laptop and desperately wanted to WRITE on a screen.

While it's not exactly the same sensation, it's pretty flippin' cool to know that when I handwrite something on the pad, I can convert it to text and send it to my team to get it programmed for my Weekly Four! (what?!)

I use the app Nebo to do this. I also use it to draw out mind maps for clients during sessions and to map out frameworks for their businesses. 

The total investment was around $1200 when all was said and done and I haven't even touched my MacBook Air since I got it.

I also got the detachable keyboard/case so I can type like a real person (not just on the iPad). This has been an awesome investment! 

Click here to check it out

4. The book I am swooning over - The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo

This is my nightly read and it feels like going to church before I go to sleep. It's broken down in to daily passages and it's powerful beyond measure.

I read a passage from it in this week's podcast and shared a personal story about how it cracked me wide open. I am going to be gifting this to everyone in 2018. Stay tuned.

Click here to grab it now

I hope you enjoyed this week's message as much as I did sharing it with you :) 

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your beloveds, I can't wait to dive in with you and make it our best year ever!

Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making “the big leap.”

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