If you’re not sure how to market right now…

When I hear people saying, “it’s hard to market in these horrific times…”

Here’s the deal:

What you stand for belongs in your launch.

What you believe belongs in your marketing plan.

What matters to you is relevant and deserves a space in your content.

Even if you’re afraid of getting cancelled - even if you’re afraid you’ll lose people.

Omitting what needs to be said for the sake of the sale is the  problem.

Holding back on doing anything at all (hello, freeze response), isn't a helpful place to remain, either.

Energy does not lie.

Marketing is not *just* your cute content plan + email strategy - it’s your whole entire vibe.

It’s you standing for what you believe.

It's you being all of who you are.

It's what you say without saying it.

Your IG & LinkedIn profiles are a place to speak your truth and share with people what you believe.

Even if some won’t get it.
Even if they leave.
Even if they choose not to buy as a result.

The ones who will and do are the people you can actually help without tip toeing around truth.

Here are 4 questions to walk with:

  • When you look back on this moment in history, what will you remember about how you moved?

  • What will the 80-year-old version of you regret or feel proud of?

  • What is most urgent for you to integrate into your humanity and heart and how you share these parts of yourself with the world right now?

  • Who should you be learning from, sharing on your platforms and expanding your understanding with?

Businesses with heartbeats needed here.  




my answer might surprise you...


unbridled authenticity. electric embodiment. exquisite expression. {you}