If you have a dream...watch this

Ben and I have spent most of the weekend painting our home. 

There have been countless lessons in this exercise, most of all, the power of rolling our sleeves up and the possibilities that come with giving ourselves choices. 

When our contractor gave us the quote for the cost of painting the existing portion of our home (the new half will have beautiful cement board siding), we allowed it to be an invitation for us to consciously CHOOSE how we wanted to feel.

As the project has been winding on since we broke ground in late July, it has been an incredible transformation and an invitation to release control over and over and over...and over, again.

We talked about the prospect of painting the house, the ladder work required and the projected costs.

We looked each other in the eyes and leaned in to the ease of doing what we know how to do best...put in the necessary hard work.

Call it our New England sensibility, call it being one generation removed from immigrants who got here by boat...

Call it whatever you want, but as a basic principle, we like to keep things simple over here. 

So we went down to the hardware store, bought the paint and some fun new brushes.

We called the grandparents and dropped the babe off for a long weekend and we got to work.

The pride and the excitement we've had in this project as we've painted each board and nook and cranny to go with it, has been immeasurable.

And the other wild thing that happened?

Being super decisive in committing to this project with excitement and joy has lead to more even abundance. 

As I took a quick snack break yesterday, I peeked at my phone and saw a message from my sales team that we had just welcomed in 2 new Mastermind members(!!). 

With the money we saved by painting it ourselves, we made 3x what the cost to hire someone for this would have been in one day.

#BOOM...but that's how it works, isn't it?

When we go all in...and we pair that with the joy that comes with choosing, there is no room for split energy or hesitation.

There's no room for the wires to get crossed when we make a conscious CHOICE to walk in the direction of our dreams.

And the bonus?

We contributed to the transformation of our home with our own sweat equity. We got to bless those boards and repaint them with the new bold true blue color we've chosen as our contribution to the future of this home...a structure that will outlive each of us. 

I have so much more to share about the home expansion project, the trials and the triumphs, and everything in between.

The best way to keep up with that is over on Instagram stories. There will be a podcast coming soon, as well. :)

In the spirit of dreaming big, I put together a video last week that I wanted to share with you...it has been setting hearts on fire and I couldn't wait to share it with you: my fellow visionary and world shifter.

Click here to watch it now

Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making β€œthe big leap.”

Rising Above Regret


Coming to Our Work Whole