How to make big decisions with confidence in your biz + exciting news!

We made the paper! I haven't been this excited to see my name in print since my high school soccer days. 

This rockin' article is all about the shifting Soul Fueled business climate(!!) and it features a few of my nearest and dearest soul sisters, too.

It's a powerful statement about the work we're doing here and it's so affirming to see the traditional news media recognizing our sacred work in this way.

Head on over here to give it a read

I also wanted to huddle up for a hot second to talk to you about those big decisions you're sorting through:

The big investments, the big life shifts, the big moves, the bold leaps...the stuff that makes our bellies feel like the mice in The Nutcracker. 

With 2017 peeking around the corner, I have no doubt you're not only making physical moves, but you are grappling with big decisions about those moves, as we speak.

Sister, I can relate.

This epic life I happened to sign up for delivers me the opportunity to feel massively uncomfortable on a very regular basis. 

I was recently on a discovery call with a coach I am considering working with (and the biggest investment I've made in my business to date) and in the middle of the call I sighed and laughed and said, "Ahhh....yes...this is EXACTLY what it feels like for my sweet clients on the strategy calls I have with them."

And, the truth is, I want to bow down and honor you right here and now because...

This. Is. Terrifying.

To hear your story reflected back to you...

To share the sparkly big vision you've only shared with your journal in plain sight.

To watch it take in oxygen and start to breathe inside the heart and mind of someone else.

To have no clue how it's going to play out...

And once it's up in the air, it cannot be Harry Potter and his Quidditch ball.

Our big visions are real-life Quidditch balls

And sometimes they knock us off our brooms.

But you and I both know we're never quitting this game.

No matter how many times we run in the other direction.

No matter how many times we try to justify and number crunch and stay safe in the cozy, little net that's keeping us right where we are.

Nothing can take away the deep knowing that I can't hide from my dream. 

And recognizing that I can't do it alone has been one of the greatest revelations of my lifetime. 

Because the pathway to where we want to go is fuzzy and muddled and we know in our right minds (and hearts) that trying to go it alone, while totally feasible, is going to take ages and it's only going to perpetuate our time in the swamp of stuck we've been hanging out in for way.too.long.

And, ironically, I realize that just when I think I've "got it"...the money in the bank, the systems in flow, the rhythm's time to expand, yet again.

And it all happens at once.

Despite how desperately I want to slow it down, to stop the train so I can get off and walk around my life like it's doing its own version of the mannequin challenge...

But the leap never stops calling to me. 

And the work of my to leap.

The work of our lives is the constant and endless journey of expansion. 

And a huge part of that equation is in pushing the envelope.

Starting before I'm ready.

Saying yes to myself.

Having the courage to bet on myself. 

Because investing in my business means investing in me. 

The discomfort is the only constant and when we get used to the feeling of being uncomfortable...when we choose to stay firmly planted rather than running in the other direction, miracles can happen. 

I cannot serve to my highest potential if I don't push myself to experience the emotional roller coaster that is becoming who I am meant to be.

And neither can you. 

I hope this love note touches your heart and propels you forward with whatever decision you're turning over in your mind today, Friend.

To our collective expansion!



The Sisterhood of Transformational Pants (An Invitation to Define Your Personal Brand Style)


4 steps to go from being everything to everyone to a dream client magnet