Believing to See

Last weekend, Anni and I were out paddling out across the water from our home.

It's not often that I head over to this particular spot on the pond, so when I glanced back at our house, I noticed the large shrub-now-almost-a-tree taking up considerable real estate along the shore. 

This was the first time I had noticed how large the shrub had become.

I turned it over in my mind as we floated and quickly decided that we needed to come up with a strategy to move it. 

From this new view, I realized what a monstrosity it had become and how it's sheer size was taking up way more space than I was now comfortable with.

My brain immediately started calculating what next steps needed to be taken...

Talk to Ben.

Ask him if he would help transplant it or, worst case, take it down. 

As we paddled back in, I got excited at the possibility of what we could do with the newfound space.

It also got me thinking about how our lives and our businesses work the same way.

I remembered what it felt like when I was still in my corporate job and the moment when it clicked in for me that the 40+ hours I had been dedicating to my job would now be OPEN space for me to give to myself, my family and my fledgling business.

I had never known this kind of time in my life.

Before my career, I was a Division I athlete. 

Before college soccer, I was playing year-round on 3 teams working to earn that scholarship. 

The realization that I was giving myself 40+ hours to me was like navigating a whole new way of life. 

Though the idea of gifting myself my own productivity super powers to pour in to something that lit me up...while getting to mom the way I really wanted to became the only possible path for me to walk. 

But if I'm being totally honest, in the beginning, I was terrified. 

I couldn't see, exactly, HOW those 40+ hours were going to help me welcome in the clients I needed to pay the mortgage.

I couldn't see, specifically, which strategies were going to work and which ones weren't. 

I wanted all of the guarantees in the world, yet it wasn't until I was ready to believe in my dream more than I did in my fear, that I could take action to birth this next chapter of my life.  

Once I left the job, so many amazing things began to unfold...

I stopped working 40+ hours per week. 

I began spending tons of time with my people and, amazingly, the thing I was most terrified income grew the tune of 7x more than what it was when I left.

There have been so many incredible experiences that have unfolded, too many to list here, but what matters most is this:

I couldn't see what was waiting for me on the other side until I decided to trust the divine tug and take action.

And just like the shrub on the shore, I couldn't conceptualize all of the things I could do with that space until we took action. 

Sometimes we need to transplant trees and pull up the roots to open to the possibilities that await us.

Now it's your turn:

  • What do you need to believe in order to see? 

  • What roots do you need to pull up in your life, career or business to welcome in more of what you want?

  • What do you need to launch, create or (re)design in order to make space for what's coming? 

Happy (re)visioning....


Amber Lilyestrom
Amber Lilyestrom is a soul-based branding & business coach, writer and motivational speaker. Amber currently coaches new and established entrepreneurs in creating strategies to transform their brands and businesses. She also works with individuals who want to leave their current careers and launch their big idea. From idea conception to the construction of the business and all of its digital assets, Amber assists new entrepreneurs in making β€œthe big leap.”

Using Our Voices


The Bridge We Must Walk