An Open Invitation to Stop Anxiety in its Tracks

I woke up on Saturday morning with mild heart palpitations.

The most alarming part of it was that I wasn’t alarmed at all.

I didn’t even mention it to Ben.

Our little one crawled in to bed with us and we giggled about the cat and talked about making muffins.

We went downstairs and painted while we waited for the timer to go off and the warm muffins to come out of the oven.

We played dolls and unicorns and I sipped my tea in her bedroom in between sneaking out to talk about the day’s plans with Ben.

I called my mom and invited her and my dad over for dinner.

I dance partied to Whitney Houston with the babe and started working on a new content calendar management tool for my team.

I posted over in my Facebook group.

I put on makeup and got dressed to head out to one of my client’s branding photo shoots.

And for every second of the morning, I could feel my heart racing inside my chest...

Tears were perched on the edge of streaming down my face...and I just kept on moving through, like it was a completely normal part of my day.

Because, unfortunately, feeling like this, though not my norm most's a feeling I've spent YEARS of my life experiencing.

Being a recovering over-achiever. Survivor. Perfectionist...all of these ingredients in one big pot of fear simmering beneath the surface.

The thing about anxiety is that when it's there, it’s always ready and waiting for an invitation, a tiny opening to rush in and weave its way in to every nook and cranny of my being.

I have been dancing with it nearly all the days of my life and only just recently decided to call it out and give it a name.

In these last few years, I've started collecting tools and integrating new ways of being to release it, entirely.

This new awareness has been a huge blessing because just like on Saturday, it has brought in to focus the areas that have needed my immediate attention and the red flags that are still keeping me from finally saying 'bon voyage' for good to this faulty coping mechanism.

And I know I'm not alone in this.

I can count on ONE HAND the number of people in my life who do not deal with anxiety in their daily lives on a very regular basis.

And my friend Mel Robbins knows this feeling well, too.

Mel struggled with anxiety for 20 years and leaned on medication to get her through some of the more challenging periods in her life.

When she awakened to the realization that she had been hitting the snooze button on her life, she found her answer.

She discovered a solution that zaps anxiety and its sisters, self-doubt, pressure and lack of confidence, on a mirco-level.

She crafted a tool that meets us in the trenches of our lives by dealing directly with the HOW.

Mel created The 5-Second Rule...

  • To help us take action.

  • To create new neural pathways in our brains.

  • To alleviate the grip of angst and raw fear holding us back from creating the lives we really want.

Mel has shared this concept with millions worldwide and she will be joining us LIVE for a free masterclass to share her simple, life-altering 5-Second Rule on Monday, Feb. 6th at 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT. Click here to register


  • Peel back the layers on the science of how our brains work to help us rewire the way we are showing up in our lives, relationships and careers.

  • Discover the two modes in which your brain operates (and how to master this).

  • Learn the ways your brain uses “trickery” to stop action.

  • Practice the higher brain function that enables breakthrough performance in your life & business.

  • Witness Mel turn fear into action with LIVE Q&A..

In short, Mel will share how to integrate a new tool for "hyper-intentionality, action and identifying moments in our lives where there is tremendous opportunity and joy."

Because we cannot be the Soul Fueled CEOs™ of our lives + careers if we're swimming in a sea of angst.

You don’t want to miss this amazing conversation and opportunity to ask Mel your questions in real-time.

She's a best-selling author, CNN commentator and the world's busiest female motivational speaker...she knows a thing or two about human potential and performance. 

She will also be sharing an incredible free gift with us live on the call, you absolutely do not want to miss out on.

We’ll see you on Monday, Feb. 6 at 7:00 pm ET/4:00 pm PT.

Click here to register


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