A new way to look at this last week of the year...
I hope you are basking in the afterglow of a beautiful holiday.
This week is that funny in-between that you see all of the memes about.
Are we working?
Are we resting?
Are we turning into sloths?
Are we pretending that this wasn't the most challenging year ever and just getting on with it?
What are we doing?!
I used to feel confused about this week too, until I began to think about it as a sort of bridge from where I've been to where I am going.
When I started to frame it as an energetic crossing, it became a very special time in my life.
And instead of scrambling to put everything away and get ready to hit the start line of 2022 like a race car driver, I am flowing and feeling and allowing and receiving.
The 2020 version of me knew that this week of 2021 needed to stay clear for me, so I blocked it off over a year ago (and have done the same for the Dec. 2022 version of me!). I'm still in my pajamas and it feels amazing to be intentionally immersed in this spaciousness.
For most of us, we will be feeling it all this week and I wanted to pop in with an exercise to help you weave some intention in to your days.
I love a good word of the year exercise
And the best part? We can find our way to our words by examining where we've been.
Whatever you've been wanting to move away from, you can flip the script and walk toward its opposite.
Whatever you've been wanting to move towards, you can notice the ways in which its opposite is woven into your beliefs, stories and repeating thoughts.
This exercise is especially illuminating as you endeavor to land in on your key word and themes for the year ahead.
Here are some examples:
If you're wanting to move away from scarcity and lack - go to abundance and gratitude.
If you're wanting to move away from disease and exhaustion - go to vitality and health.
If you're wanting to move away from angst and stress - go to ease and flow.
I love to break out the thesaurus for this exercise.
The words, themselves, serve as a sort of rudder in steering you in the direction of where you're meant to go.
Have fun with it!
And if you feel called - please share your word with me over on instagram.
I also wanted to sprinkle in a reminder of what's "on trend" for 2022...
You choosing you.
You honoring your nervous system.
You committing to your full body and soul deep healing.
You saying no to the things that disturb your peace.
You chasing the things that are not a match for your highest good.
You breathing deeply into truth + designing your life in a way that feels like home.
You expressing the fullness of who you really are.
You creating the thing you’ve always dreamt of - perfectly imperfectly without holding back.
You giving yourself the space + time to feel and think and open to what’s coming through you.
You devoting yourself to prayer, contemplation, meditation and reverence on the daily in whatever way feels best to you.
You liberating yourself from old stories that are no longer helpful.
You scaling your gift in ways that set a new course for your community, your family and humanity.
I'm sending you peace and ease in this sacred crossing of a week….
Be gentle with yourself - this is an important threshold for us all - there is no need to rush the vision that is coming into form.
Let it hold you, love.