5 ways to simplify marketing…

If there's one thing I see my community classically challenged with, it's marketing.

Let me define what I mean by marketing...

It's showing up on behalf of your mission and in service of what you are here to teach and share with

It's a commitment to the on-going relationship you have with your community and clients and doing what you can to help them with the solutions you have for what they're struggling with.

It sounds simple and, in truth, it actually is.

But what's not simple are the steps that are required to get to through the forest of frustration and inner chaos that seems to pop-up when we decide to go "all-in" on marketing in our business. 

This is *in fact* where the most important and life-changing work happens.

Here are 5 reasons why your marketing could be feeling extra exhausting for you...and how to shift it:  

1. You're not super confident in your offer yet

We humans are straight up geniuses...and when the ground feels shaky, our instincts kick-in and tell us to find shelter. 

Our desire to be a force for good is innate in most of us, which means our "do no harm" switch is very sensitive.

And when we're not super confident in the thing we're selling or our ability to deliver on behalf of the product promise - the switch gets flipped.

Our desire for safety can stop us in our tracks...this includes the safety of those we care about (i.e. our clients/prospective clients).

The work here is to identify this pattern if it's happening for you and dig into your offer to reacquaint yourself with the transformation it delivers.

Oftentimes, when my clients roll their sleeves up and immerse themselves in the magic of what they've created, they come out even more super charged and excited.

They also come out armed with the specifics required to help them communicate about the transformation more effectively.

Read: Meeting this path of resistance head-on has the capacity to open the confidence and clarity floodgates so you can start selling.


2. You're overwhelmed about where to show up and doing nothing as a result

Which platform? Reels or TikToks? Podcast or YouTube? Create a freebie? PDF? Checklist? Virtual Workshop? 

These questions are absolutely endless and in the spirit of being the Perfect Polly that so many of us were socialized to believe we should be - getting it wrong is just not an option.

There's something quite enticing about maintaining control here...and putting ourselves out there is the risk many are not willing to take.

The glaring problem with this pattern is that your business stops or never starts growing and the silence is deafening. 

Here's my 7-day challenge for you:

- Pick one place to show up every day this week.

- Astound yourself with your audacity to commit to this. 

- Get uncomfortable, be messy, be vulnerable and "imperfect" in what you share.

- Create mediocre and magnificent things and let it be enough.

- Watch what begins to shift within you and the response that starts to stir as a result.

- Stick with it.

I can guarantee you that if you do this, things will start to move and open...it works every time.


3. You're trying to stand out before you've taken a stand

The current state of social media has seduced us into thinking that there's some sort of hidden secret to the massive success we crave. 

Raise your hand if you've searched high and low, followed and unfollowed, bought and bartered, secretly studied and taken notes only to discover the same familiar feeling at the end of it all...

The inner work that has to be done, still has to be done. 

The things you're afraid to say out loud (or on your feed) still need to be said.

The reality is - we don't get to skip this part:

The embodiment work.

Standing for what we believe is true and real and relevant.

Taking the risk of being "wrong" and called up for it.

The being who we are and having others not like it...

We do not have to seek out controversy to be seen as someone who has something important to say, but I do believe that choosing to be ALL OF WHO WE ARE will feel controversial to most of us. 

But there's nothing better than the feeling of helping people in deep and profound ways.


Showing up and saying the thing that needs to be said in the moment it's needed most.


Making an impact on someone's life that can be felt in ways that words cannot express.

Popularity, fame, blue checks and followers are fleeting and categorically unreliable.

But you know what isn't?


You committing to your offers as a form of your ministry, your mission, your signature in this lifetime. 

Your marketing is the daily offering, the contribution that compounds over time, the shake up to wake up, the soft place to land for the people that are listening and reckoning with their own inner turmoil.

And all of it matters and is worth the work to get through the resistance.


4. Your confused about your brand 

Do I go by my married name, my maiden name, my first name, last name, pet name?

Do I go by the name of my company instead?

How do I write my IG bio? 

Are my courses evergreen or open-closed format? Am I a coach or a mentor or a guide or a transformational life-strategist, magic-making maven, soul-whispering-priestess?

The questions here can be ENDLESS.

As someone who was ranked as one of the top search results on Google for "brand coach" before anyone knew what a Brand Coach was - let me make this really simple for you...

Your brand is your sacred opportunity to be *exactly* who you are.

It's how people feel when they engage with your content and experience your teachings and programs.

It's an energetic and it holds the spirit of your business within it. 

Your brand is you...and it's an invitation for deeper connection with yourself and with others.

Try out these questions:

  • Who am I?

  • What matters most to me?

  • How do I want to share what I am here to offer to the world in the most meaningful and ease-filled way possible?

  • What feels like home to me and how do I weave more of that into my offers/business structure/marketing/communication strategy?

  • How do I want to share the experience of what I do with others?


5. You're getting caught up in the comparison trap

The tricky and wonderful thing about being a human is that we are relational by our truest nature.

We learn by watching others do what we need and want to learn. It's in our wiring and it's a beautiful thing.

Except that...

When we're learning how to use our own voice, share our art and communicate in a way that feels deeply aligned with who we are - this part of our wiring can trip us up.

The binary of right and wrong can be a paralyzing vortex to get caught up in.

But here's the thing - it will always exist...the Law of Polarity is real.

And it is our job to understand that what's right for us will always be wrong for some people.

You are here in miraculous form, one in kajillions...a once in a lifetime...one of a kind sort of magic.

What you have learned along the way is the perfect symphony solution someone is waiting for.

Now get sharing! 





New month. New Story.


What I do when things feel HARD